Example sentences of "[adv] aware [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Knowing the father 's case , the doctors were well enough aware that it was not mere instability that was wrong with the son .
2 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
3 They fail to appreciate that all elderly people are constantly aware that they are approaching the last great event in their lives : their own death .
4 She added the last phrase as if suddenly aware that she was taking no undue interest in her children 's fate .
5 Kegan breathed deeply , suddenly aware that he was shouting , and went on more quietly .
6 Magee was painfully aware that he was alone in the compartment with the youths .
7 Abruptly she looked away from him , painfully aware that he was speaking only the truth .
8 Folly was painfully aware that she was acting completely unreasonably .
9 Her mother had filled up her own glass , but Kate became painfully aware that she was nervous as she sat opposite her daughter .
10 Paradoxically , while dreaming we are without imagination and we are not aware that we are dreaming .
11 In social bird-watching it is very important that the people studied are not aware that they are being studied or that anyone is setting up a particular environment for them to behave in .
12 Not only does their body temperature not regulate efficiently , but they are not aware that they are very cold or very hot .
13 Fortunately , his fame had not yet reached the gutters so the winos were not aware that they were providing material for a movie star 's performance .
14 They were not aware that they were taking part in a randomised comparison of two different information sheets as this would have invalidated the study , which received ethical approval from the Royal Hallamshire Hospital ethical committee .
15 Even the neighbours were not aware that they were there .
16 I was not aware that they were
17 He subsequently abandoned the forgery allegation and amended his counterclaim to plead ( i ) non est factum on the grounds that Mrs. Steed did not know that she had been appointed attorney and was not aware that she was signing a transfer of the property ; and ( ii ) that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
18 ‘ I was not aware that I was in the hydrographic business , David . ’
19 I 'm not aware that it 's national policy that greenbelt should be used for the sake of urban regeneration .
20 Only then did it occur to me that , of course , my witticism would not be easily appreciated by someone who was not aware that it was gypsies who had passed by .
21 He said he was not aware that it was IRA policy to bomb operating theatres .
22 Richard was not aware that he was no longer reasoning , hut allowing a series of overlapping images — the drawing of lord Jim , Tilda cooking — to act as a substitute for argument , so that his mind was working in a way not far different from Maurice 's , or Nenna 's .
23 And I ca n't see any moves towards uniformity , I 'm really not aware that there are any pressures in Europe towards a common system .
24 Simon explains : ‘ As far as the USA game is concerned , we were not aware that there was a problem .
25 Is he aware that among women serving life sentences in Bullwood Hall women 's prison for murdering their husbands there are several whose lack of command of English meant that they were not aware that there was anywhere that they could run to , that some women who had tried to run away from extreme brutality were dragged back by their families , and that some were terrified of leaving their children with a brutal partner , and that therefore they had to wait until they could do something about it and were driven to commit murder ?
26 Celia was already aware that there was no love lost between Mrs Bennett and Miss Maynard .
27 I am already aware that I am beginning myself to use the acceptable university jargon that saturates the material that is presented within these diploma courses .
28 There was no arrogance in the man ; he was desperately aware that he was letting down all his fellow-actors , and by one of the least forgivable of professional shortcomings .
29 He is totally aware that he is able to cope with every situation .
30 For awareness of Mystery brings a paradox : at the same time that religious people claim to have knowledge of this Mystery they become more deeply aware that it is infinitely beyond any understanding .
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