Example sentences of "[adv] depend [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also , she failed to be swayed by arguments that Britain 's future industrial prowess crucially depends on a strong base in computing research .
2 We have , of course , stressed to our friends in the Baltic states that their membership of the CSCE — Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe — process and their aspirations to join the Council of Europe will naturally depend to a great extent upon their ability to meet international standards in such matters .
3 Although they are employed to a much greater extent than the rest of the percussion , it must be realized that their effectiveness largely depends on a sparing use of them .
4 This model has all the advantages of the earlier inflationary models , but it does not depend on a dubious phase transition , and it can moreover give a reasonable size for the fluctuations in the temperature of the microwave background that agrees with observation .
5 A better way of life need not depend on a higher standard of living and they were out to stop those whose pursuit of continued economic and industrial growth undermined the basis of life itself .
6 Establishing a positive self-image does not depend on a cheery morale boost , but on appropriating the promises of God and praying and planning expectantly for their outworking in the situations in which God has already placed us or challenged us to become involved .
7 It is helpful if the speaker has good articulation ( crisp consonants ) and is able to phrase sentences so that the key word or subject does not depend on a high frequency — for example , instead of saying ‘ Do you know Sussex ? ’ ( key word Sussex ) , they could say ‘ Have you been in this part of the world before ? ’
8 Apart from contract law there may be liability in negligence which does not depend on a contractual relationship and may even extend to others involved in the development of the system such as the experts who provided the knowledge contained in the system .
9 Even so , PT Timah took many years to develop its own technical expertise and still depends to an important degree on technical assistance from multinationals , including Billiton .
10 Physicians should be aware that the diagnosis of CO poisoning still depends on a high degree of clinical suspicion and direct measurement of CO .
11 Normal response to the test , however , still depends on an intact nerve supply .
12 Science ultimately is self-contradictory precisely because , although it begins with a supposal about reality , it also depends upon a concrete reality ; and once scientists admit the necessarily hypothetical character of that knowledge , they cease to be scientists .
13 It also depends upon a curious form of photosynthesis when it makes sugar from carbon dioxide , water and sunlight .
14 In the second place , the maximum amplitude of velocity fluctuations reached at the end of the unstable region will be sensitive to the level of small disturbances present at its start ; the appearance of local regions of turbulence probably depends on a certain amplitude being reached .
15 They also depended for a large part of their work on clawing money out of the social security system and on getting alongside other centrally funded bodies such as housing associations .
16 The king also depended to a considerable degree upon individuals who , like the leaders of the companies of the previous century , served in the royal army : Poton de Xaintrailles was for a period a ‘ veritable routier ’ , pillaging in different parts of France before accepting office under Charles VII ; Antoine de Chabannes , a captain of routiers , at one time had command of 1,000 horsemen before finding employment under the crown .
17 Foxes became much more wide-ranging in their search for food , since they also depended to a large extent upon rabbits .
18 The motivation to go on or turn back depends on an awful lot of factors .
19 Effective educational action in the disadvantaged areas may well depend on a fundamental questioning of the assumption that a high degree of uniformity is required throughout educational systems in order to ensure equality of opportunity for all children .
20 The basic salaries paid to executives relocated abroad depend to a certain degree on which countries are involved .
21 Never depend on an out-of-date map .
22 A second question is whether the ‘ rights ’ approach does not essentially depend on a non-controversial ( that is , abstract and apolitical ) formulation of the master principle ?
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