Example sentences of "[adv] strong as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I used many of the ship 's ropes too , and in the end my fence was as strong as a stone wall .
2 The man in the notional training sequence I described ‘ led ’ his horse on an invisible bond as strong as a rope .
3 The African is as strong as a ploughox , each man can do the work in this clime of two or three of men like us .
4 This trowel is every bit as strong as a knife or bayonet , and will easily prize up any large stones ( I have done this often , even in rock-hard clay ) .
5 She was the tallest of the girls , and in some ways she was as strong as a man .
6 The compulsion to get away , and not look back , was as strong as a hand on her shoulder urging her forward .
7 And now she was as strong as a cart horse , and he did n't give a damn .
8 ‘ I 'm as strong as a horse , you know that .
9 She 's as strong as a horse .
10 I 'm as strong as a horse .
11 Tall , and as strong as a lion .
12 For a specimen of Muscovite of this shape Orowan found that the tensile strength was about 460,000 p.s.i. , that is to say nearly twenty times as strong as a specimen in which the cracks did not have to cross the planes of weakness .
13 George was a quick thinker so always did the introducing and all of the talking , but George did not talk about himself — he told of how Lennie was as strong as a bull and how he could buck barley all day .
14 The voice belonged to the ‘ Trog ’ , a short , thick-set man who resembled a character of the Stone Age and was as strong as an ox .
15 She was stronger than a roach , as strong as an ox .
16 Sonny was tall and broad and as strong as an ox .
17 Now he 's as strong as an ox .
18 Richard had only been climbing a few months , but he was as strong as an ox and had no respect for tradition ( he did n't know all the horror stories ) .
19 He 's as strong as an ox . ’
20 Mr Smith did not say how he would meet manifesto commitments without extra borrowing or taxes if growth were not as strong as the Chancellor had forecast .
21 ‘ These dogs are not as strong as the pit bull terrier but they have immense strength all the same .
22 Privately , not all of Poland 's Communist leaders believe the pro-democracy forces at the Party 's local level to be as strong as the survey indicated .
23 The closeness was as strong as the pull of their own lives ; they lost the pain of individuality within its protection .
24 The roof , however , was only six years old and a structural analysis subsequently carried out by a structural engineer showed that not only was it impossible for that roof to slip , but furthermore it was twice as strong as the Building Regulations required .
25 Agnes absorbed that and found that she believed it : Mo had been thirty years in intelligence work which trains up a determination not to know some things quite as strong as the desire to know others .
26 It 's not as strong as the Earth 's ; the Earth is heavier .
27 To meet force with force is successful only if the defender is as strong as the attacker .
28 Despite its distracting romantic plot , this was campaigning cinema which put a case for the nationalization of the mines as strong as the argument presented in The Citadel for a National Health Service .
29 She had always been as strong as the lioness Candy would insist on comparing her to .
30 ‘ There was this one scene where Dustin first did it by coming on very strong as the scene opened and then gradually bringing things down until everything was just suggested by innuendo and gestures .
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