Example sentences of "[adv] enough to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It does n't mean you 've got to , should , does n't mean you 've got to have a loud voice , it just means you 've got to speak , speak clearly and slowly enough to be clear .
2 He 's the young man who 's taking me to the concert and I have n't known him long enough to be late .
3 In both countries , a significant fraction is of ‘ unknown ’ origin or ‘ background ’ , in the air long enough to be difficult to assign to any one source .
4 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
5 The checks of his three-piece suit were large and loud enough to be migraine-inducing , and the tie , although defiantly striped , was not one she recognised .
6 Not enough to be offensive , but enough to make the older woman sparkle in return .
7 It is not enough to be able to translate a topic into themes : ability to see a theme in turn translated back into action is a necessity .
8 Certainly not as bright as here , er sufficient light for me to be able to see that there were people in there and to differentiate between a man and a woman but er at that time not enough to be able to clearly define anybody .
9 She went on talking and I half-listened — just enough to be able to make a response when she stopped .
10 The disclosure letter will frequently have attached to it , or referred to in it , a significant amount of documents which are deemed to be disclosed , so it is vital that the acquirer insists on receiving this material early enough to be able properly to evaluate it .
11 The answer to that is simply to make sure that we use radiation of a wavelength short enough to be compatible with whatever accuracy we choose to specify .
12 A good essay , like a good kilt/skirt , is long enough to be decent but short enough to be interesting .
13 The area was about four hours away from Edinburgh or Glasgow — near enough to be accessible for weekends , far enough to be considered remote .
14 Ah could n't see the little bugger clearly enough to be sure , but Ah think he was Indian .
15 As a general strategy , this is fine , but it is not yet broken down far enough to be useful .
16 He was not going far , by no means as far as Longner , but far enough to be absent when the immediate danger threatened .
17 She wanted to know why these paths existed ; there were several of them , not much used , but used often enough to be distinguishable .
18 It 's easy to drive , quick enough to be fun , with the reassurance of solid , almost farmyard engineering under the skin to remove any worries about making it work for a living .
19 The cold fusion with muons , ‘ muon catalysed fusion ’ , can occur and has been seen to happen ; however , it does not seem to happen fast enough to be useful as an energy source .
20 You may be worried about other body fluids like spit or piss , but HIV is only ever found in these in very small amounts which are n't enough to be infectious .
21 So that we can wait for the moment when she sees you well enough to be sure whether you are Liam or not .
22 Even the thought of Candy acting as a spy in the camp could n't annoy her — she knew her friend well enough to be sure she would have acted with Rory 's best interests at heart .
23 Kelly knew Bill well enough to be certain that no one , least of all a new owner , would dictate to him which jockey to put up .
24 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
25 You must know your aircraft well enough to be able immediately to set up the Attitude and Power for the required descent rate .
26 Never enough to be serious .
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