Example sentences of "[adv] likely to [be] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The locale is described as a university in the north of England , it could be anywhere from Nottingham to Newcastle , but seems more likely to be Lancashire or Merseyside .
2 In the darkness I felt in the hands of God , someone who could do anything He liked with me , even though that someone was more likely to be Mr Slieman , the manager , who with his pencil moustache looked more like a used car salesman and was constantly trying to show Louise , the cashier and kiosk girl , his collection of prophylactics .
3 Should England come second they would then go to Genoa to play the runners-up from Group B , who are more likely to be Argentina or the Soviet Union than Romania or Cameroun , although this does look the toughest , tightest group of all .
4 Could even be tomorrow , I suppose , but it 's more likely to be Tuesday or Wednesday . ’
5 Suppose , in some population , a particular site in the DNA is completely random and unspecified : that is , it is equally likely to be C , G , A , or T. Suppose that individuals with A or T , say , are fitter than those with C or G , and that those with A are fitter than those with T. Full specification requires that all individuals have A at the relevant site .
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