Example sentences of "[adv] let [pers pn] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was hard , travelling home in that bus , and surrounded by the immense , evident , and varied liberties of people and land , to believe in the small impossibilities of her own home , and she felt , as she so frequently felt , the will to believe it to be different : the truth was too grotesque and too unnatural , and her hopes were so strong that she carelessly let them wander a little , giving them a little leeway , letting them sniff and pry and explore .
2 I know that Robert Lowell got into terrible trouble for quoting private letters in his poetry , but all this happened abroad , so let me quote a phrase from it : ‘ The earthquake was awful .
3 You 're gon na get so let me have a look while you er
4 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
5 So let us make a start .
6 Fortunately , too , Labour has agreed to continue with that policy should it come to power — so let us hear no more complaints about depriving local government of central Government funds because of cuts in rate support grant , revenue support grant , or whatever it is called today .
7 So let us have no talk of building on the existing legislation .
8 So let us look a bit more closely at the markets before we go on to the fields .
9 All this is very abstract , so let us take a specific example by considering the significance of the pangolin for the Lele .
10 So let us take a look around and see what is to be seen .
11 So let us take a look at the true history of that state .
12 There is no easy , obvious way to distinguish structural from other changes in the abstract , so let us approach the issue from an empirical , historical perspective .
13 To see why this is so let us consider the situation in the light of the foregoing argument .
14 He showed us the whole lagoon ( it is very big ) , slowing down to let us see the most interesting parts , then hurtled off amid boiling clouds of spray to give us a thrill .
15 After a few days of being talked to , and stroked with the clippers running , he became confident enough to let me do a full clip ( including his ears ! ) — which just goes to show that patience , firmness and plenty of encouragement are essential when producing a young horse .
16 So in an effort to find out whether are blind , or they 're just weird , we asked a member of a party of visitors from Tokyo , Miss Takishima , to be kind enough to let us process the film in her camera .
17 The fact that our captors were confident and considerate enough to let us have the radio was almost as encouraging as the news we could at last listen to after two years of silence .
18 Day Five : Your cruiser slips her moorings at 6.00am to let you enjoy a leisurely breakfast as you cruise back to Bernkastel-Kues , arriving around 10.30am .
19 If members have done something interesting or have a fascinating or unusual hobby and want to tell us about it perhaps letting us borrow a photograph of the member ? ) they are welcome to write — quoting membership number please .
20 At the moment I 'm training a red-tailed buzzard and only letting it move a few inches — just off my fist and back again .
21 She made for the new extension , hoping she had imagined that speculative look in her young assistant 's eye , and feeling that she 'd better let him think the Palmer & Pearson file had dropped on her desk while he was absent on Friday .
22 Before I regret the temporary arrival of my better nature , you 'd better let me make a few calls and see what I can do to get you home today . ’
23 When they moved our Mrs R. would only let them take a bed and some crockery .
24 Hang on let me open the doors
25 Good try though , hang on , hang on let me say the question first
26 Just let me fit the attachment — ’
27 And just let me put the postcode in , what is it ?
28 Just let me get the
29 Just let me take a look at it . ’
30 " Just let me clean the blood out .
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