Example sentences of "[adv] that he 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather him not travel it , I 'd rather him stop here on Sunday and not come home so that he 's got ample rest , cos he 's not getting it I , I , I du n no , I , I might be wrong , but he moans at me cos I knock me
2 Hurry up so that he 's got a paddy on at teatime .
3 And I says only that he 's gone to back to J J and I says , and that he 'd had enough .
4 It 's not that he 's got anything against the party 's Purcell anthem , he says , but young voters in particular prefer Bryan Adams .
5 Sir tells him straight that he 's got to be a tree But he wo n't wave his arms around .
6 Frankly she goes , she goes yeah he 's alright she said but he 's too two faced and I said that does n't sound like him , I said I thought he was quite nice and she goes yeah well he is she says he says one thing to you and then you find out that he 's said something completely different and you hear another side of it .
7 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
8 ‘ If I tell — they will kill Liam and point out that he 's had to suffer for my stubborn principles .
9 Well I think that 's a good idea though that he 's got boxes from Marks .
10 And guess what he 's doing now that he 's made it ?
11 that 's right , that 's right and now that he 's shaken off the Scottish Office I invited him to come along to it as well so we may find
12 Now that he 's gone , there will be the usual hypocritical outpouring of support , and ministers will join in the attempts to blame it all on nasty tabloid newspapers .
13 Now that he 's gone she refers to him as her dear Tom .
14 That 's what I thought I should think dad 'll come home now that he 's gone .
15 ‘ Well , let's hope he is , now that he 's got that letter back , ’ said Joe .
16 I 'm not being critical of him , I 'm just saying now that he 's got to pick his time to go over the top .
17 He suggests that he 's got no evidence , then that he 's got some evidence , then both at once : ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — the torture tune .
18 There 's something there that he 's got to deal with .
19 Mr can I just ask the erm about the I think it 's very that he 's produced this er so that we can look across and make sort of comparisons between the proposals of the groups .
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