Example sentences of "[adv] i have come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only I 've come across one or two head teachers who 've taken out things like A B Cs recently , and they did n't realize that they would n't get a lot of value if they cashed them early , you know , if they cashed them within two or three years .
2 The nearest I 've come to being arrested in the line of duty was when I was told to go out onto the streets , microphone in hand , and smile at people .
3 ‘ The nearest I 've come to celebrity so far is sharing canapés with Samantha Fox on the Jonathan Ross show .
4 ‘ It is the nearest I have come to being smacked .
5 Yeah , but looking at college like I 've come from school like , and I never liked it at school .
6 I ca n't believe how far I have come in the past couple of years .
7 Interestingly I have come across this same problem in a totally different context .
8 Although I have Well I 've come through two wars and I remember the relief of Mathaking but I 'd sooner that I 've was born when I was .
9 So I says , well I 've come for Chris really .
10 I do n't doubt they know very well I 've come to you , and will be on their best behaviour if you call .
11 And then I had come from erm what shall we say , a general , my grandparents had kept a general shop and general I mean , from baking , he was a baker er a butcher a coalman and my grandmother saw after the haberdashery , hats etcetera and the grocery .
12 For Machu Picchu is the closest I have come to a Mecca , a once-in-my-lifetime destination and , like the route to Mecca , each Inca trail has deep and hidden roots in a life long before one pins Cuzco on the map .
13 Besides , I want to protect the remains of my privacy ; I do n't want to appear cold-hearted or stubborn ; but I know that when I try to make my life give me its answers to how I have come to my current concerns , I ca n't do it without feeling that I am on the edge of a dangerous fiction of self-description .
14 And erm that 's quite special for me , it 's erm my homeland , where I 've come from , but I 've been twelve years in this vicinity around here , so there is erm if you like , a divided loyalty with the four kids .
15 There was little conversation : nothing had happened in Dent that day worth the telling , and it was none of their business to ask where I had come from and where I was going .
16 They could not understand where I had come from , or how I could possibly survive .
17 My Houy master was very interested in me , and as soon as I could speak the language , he asked me to explain where I had come from .
18 I did not want anybody to know where I had come from .
19 In spite of my difficulties , all the officers and men showed great kindness and patience ; except for one Australian officer who did not disguise the fact that he would have been only too happy to send me back to where I had come from .
20 ‘ So that 's why I 've come to Hambury to find out .
21 Now what we 've got to look at is why I 've come to Abbey Life .
22 I was asked why I had come about my father , why he was in prison , and many other questions .
23 We talked about the school , about Oxford , my family , about teaching English to foreigners , about why I had come to Greece .
24 I will give you an example of why I have come to that conclusion .
25 Privately I have come to the opinion that we never will , but I 'd never say anything as dispiriting as that in print …
26 Recently I have come to the conclusion that treasure hunters should have their own exclusive museum .
27 Teacher : Definitely I have come across incidents where I have actually seen teachers pick on children for no other reasons than the colour of their skin .
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