Example sentences of "[adv] have come [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Modern science could only have come from a belief that there was a God who had made all things to a certain design .
2 In Peking 's eyes , the Nobel Peace Prize could not have come at a worse time .
3 The invitation could not have come at a better time .
4 The timing of the announcement could not have come at a more politically sensitive time .
5 For Sinton , who made his England debut in Poznan in the crucial final qualifier against Poland last November and was a member of the England B side that defeated France B at Loftus Road in February , that run could not have come at a better time .
6 This could not have come at a worse time , with the prospect in view of becoming an ‘ officer 's lady ’ .
7 She could not have come at a worse time ; a few hours after she arrived , she was a helpless burning hulk , with most of her passengers and crew dead .
8 And the announcement of the engagement could not have come at a better time for the battle-weary Royal Family .
9 It could not have come at a worse time for the Royal Family , almost on the eve of the wedding of Princess Anne to Commander Tim Laurence .
10 His first injury in English football could not have come at a worst time .
11 ‘ Then my news could not have come at a better time ! ’
12 ‘ In many ways , it could not have come at a worse time because the selectors are obviously considering alternatives after the defeat at Old Trafford and I would like to think I would be one of them . ’
13 ‘ God witness , ’ said Llewelyn , drumming his long fingers on the arms of his chair in a hard-driven rhythm that was always a key to the stresses of his mind , ‘ it could not have come at a worse time .
14 It can not have come as a surprise when , in November 1990 , the ninth biggest US accounting firm , Laventhol & Howarth , had to seek Chapter 11 protection from its creditors , with the ensuing risk of personal bankruptcy for its partners .
15 So maybe the lack of interest in Latin American art this week should not have come as a shock .
16 Yet his father 's death should not have come as a surprise .
17 It could scarcely have come at a worse time .
18 His return to Eaton Park could scarcely have come at a more opportune moment considering that Gordon Hamilton , Stuart Laing , Norman Robson and Davy Nicholl have all moved on during the close season .
19 No one is ever fully prepared for bereavement , and even if her husband 's terminal illness was one from which she had known he could not hope to recover , his death will still have come as a shock to her which may create a feeling of numbness and unreality : .
20 For the CEGB , trying to sell nuclear reliability to an increasingly sceptical local population , this could hardly have come at a worse time .
21 All the same , the feather in his pocket could hardly have come from an imaginary swan .
22 The bolts themselves can vary in size , and the example illustrated is quite small , probably having come from a box .
23 The only squeak of protest so far has come from a Law Society spokesman , Mr Jeremy Allen , who is also a Nottingham solicitor : ’ An enormous number of people had had their journeys interrupted and it has caused them concern .
24 Leather , so luxurious you find yourself wondering whether it could really have come from a cow , finds its perfect match in glossy burr walnut .
25 It turned out to have come from a machine in a nearby corridor .
26 His death today has come as a complete shock .
27 Jan Fischer produced a transporter that might well have come from a professional machine shop .
28 This has a total of nine teeth set in three rows , and could well have come from a lock fitted to the door of a villa .
29 The angular , and in the case of the three women at the extreme left and right of the Demoiselles , rather ‘ faceted ’ appearance of the figures , and the heavy , chalky highlights found in certain parts of the drapery could well have come from a study of El Greco 's work .
30 I felt … well , the offer could n't have come at a more opportune time , could it ? ’
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