Example sentences of "[adv] have deal with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You not only have to deal with people questioning her musical ability , but also just that constant male assault .
2 In the past the NZRFU might not have dealt with submissions from individuals ( such as Knight or even Mayhew ) but would have waited for the details to come , union-to-union , through the usual official channels .
3 Natural philosophy , or that part of it which is physics , will already have dealt with man to some extent , in considering the phenomenon of sense-perception .
4 In the smaller places , there fore , they generally had to deal with people with the same background as themselves ; they knew their customers and their family and friends .
5 Lesley still has to deal with idiot boy hecklers : ‘ Women can not express their sexuality freely in any area of life , especially in popular music .
6 Libraries are also having to deal with costs incurred in new means of data access — indeed most libraries welcome the opportunities offered by the new media to extend access to information sources .
7 Governors will also have to deal with grievances and discipline .
8 However , she will also have to deal with pressures from her own colleagues who are seeking special consideration for personal reasons .
9 Orchard was one of the most distinguished architects of his time and seems throughout to have dealt with works in Oxford and the neighbourhood .
10 Anyone working in the retail trade will often have to deal with customers who want to exchange or return goods .
11 If only I 'd gone along with the doctor 's proposals , it would have been over by now — completely and painlessly over , and any feelings of guilt I might have had as a result I would surely have dealt with ages ago .
12 and you did n't have to deal with money .
13 The the coal man did n't have to deal with money because I think some of them was dipping into their bags you know .
14 The general attitude seems to be that it must have been a madman and the Church does n't have to deal with madmen .
15 He did n't have to deal with aggro from the desk clerk who had offered to fix him up with anything , and he meant anything , for a large fee .
16 they constantly threatened to become more than a handful in every sense , so one sad Saturday he sold the sows with their litters at Taunton market — and since then has dealt with pigs only on paper .
17 To keep these politicians in their high office , he might have said but did not , he and his people sometimes had to deal with creatures just as nasty as Zack .
18 You 'd never have to deal with things like that in Crossmaglen .
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