Example sentences of "[adv] and he [vb past] himself " in BNC.

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1 His head collided with a table on the way down and he knocked himself out .
2 ‘ I still ca n't believe you , ’ he remarked , but he washed anyway and he dried himself on the piece of hessian and then spat on his hands and flattened his hair .
3 He supposed that she had to be somewhere and he reminded himself that they were n't supposed to be together so what did it matter , but still he kept catching himself scanning the crowd for her .
4 No , he was n't , because his head came up and he threw himself back on the ground behind him and he was rolling around in a heap of laughter .
5 A drink was pressed into his hand , a chair held back and he found himself seated opposite Cornelius by the window , for all the world like some sixth-former seeking advice on whether to go for Oxbridge or the Guards .
6 I told my boss as well and he killed himself laughing .
7 A surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards and he saved himself , and the woman , by setting his feet wide and holding onto her shoulders .
8 And then nothing for a few moments , until his voice came again and he lifted himself from her .
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