Example sentences of "[adv] a study of the " in BNC.

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1 Since architecture is one of the visual arts , the study of architecture is also a study of the ways in which the philosophical , religious and intellectual preoccupations of societies find expression in visual form .
2 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
3 This project carries out a study of the electorate , designed to be a continuation of the uninterrupted series of academic studies started by Butler and Stokes in the 1960s , taken up by Sarlvik and Crewe throughout the 1970s , and by the present investigators in 1983 .
4 Following intervention by Dee and Clwyd flood defence committee , the Countryside Council for Wales decided to defer notification and to carry out a study of the site .
5 Currently a study of the workings of the committee is being conducted by the Chief Executive .
6 In fact , Genette 's relational approach means that none of these aspects of narrative can be conceived of as independent units : Consequently ‘ analysis of narrative will thus be for [ him ] essentially a study of the relationships between narrative and story , between narrative and narrating , and ( to the extent that they are inscribed in the narrative discourse ) between story and narrating ’ ( my italics ) .
7 It is essentially a study of the evolutionary process .
8 Therefore a study of the types of question is a useful preparation point : Types of Question Question type Explanation ( 1 ) A data recall question requires the pupil to remember facts without putting them to any use , e.g. " When was the Battle of Hastings ? " ( 2 ) A naming question asks the pupil to name something without showing how it relates to the historical situation , e.g. " What are the men in the picture wearing ? "
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