Example sentences of "[adv] be attached to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If , as I think , significance should only be attached to the clear statements made by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , the difficulty of knowing what weight to attach to such statements is not overwhelming .
2 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
3 Item No 4 : the large loop would normally be attached to a belt as this is a purse frame dating to the 15th to 16th century .
4 Braid can easily be attached to a chair with upholstery pins or Copydex to give a decorative edge
5 2 Is the product or sample small enough to slip between the pages of the magazine or can it easily be attached to the front cover ?
6 The second feature of this modest success is that differences of opinion about tactics and ecology have , generally , been submerged in working towards clearly identified goals which have always been attached to a limited and defined time frame .
7 If substance is identical with the whole of reality , it is not any discrete thing ; but if it is not any discrete thing , it is not clear what sense can possibly be attached to the assertion that there is " only one " substance .
8 Importance has also been attached to the nature of the defended area , whether ‘ urban-core ’ or ‘ strongpoint ’ , and its relationship to the intra- and extra-mural zones so created .
9 The study of expert determination has traditionally been attached to the study of arbitration .
10 Distaffs may also be attached to a spinning wheel or be floor standing .
11 Additional items such as colour , indentation and tabs can also be attached to the tag .
12 Conditions may also be attached to the exercise of a tenant 's break-clause .
13 In theory civil service recruits were supposed to pass an examination in law and a first language test and then be attached to a senior police magistrate for six months .
14 As a matter of good practice copies of the documents should either be attached to the disclosure letter or placed in a file of documents delivered with the letter .
15 The names of Offa , his queen , Cynethryth , and his son , Ecgfrith , have subsequently been attached to the witnesses of a grant of land by Ealdwulf ( CS 197 : S 50 ) , but Offa appears to have consented to Osmund 's grant of 770 ( CS 206 : S 49 ) and in 771 he gained a victory over the men of Hastings .
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