Example sentences of "[adv] be found [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
2 To imagine this is to be aware that the aggressive term which I have applied to Amis 's novelistic method , ‘ ventriloquism ’ , has the drawback of suggesting that when an author throws his voice , the character who receives it will necessarily be found to be inanimate , a dummy .
3 The disparity between different sized companies mentioned opposite was found to be more pronounced in the software and services sector than for hardware companies .
4 Other students joined in and before long , quite spontaneously , a crowd of some 200 or so was found to be singing lustily , with Leonard as the ecstatic , unselfconscious conductor .
5 The limits of critical periods have not been found to be as immutable as was formerly thought , for by manipulating the animals ' experience they can be extended considerably .
6 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
7 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
8 Where normality for each group separately was found to be appropriate by using probability plots a two sample t test was used to compare the mean values of each variable of interest between the regulated and random groups .
9 Empirically , the assumption of constant interest rates has usually been found to be an acceptable approximation .
10 Taking a sodium ion concentration in excess of 119mmol/l as being dangerous , it was found that of the total number of solutions sampled from unions in Phase 1 , Phase 2 ( standard ) and Phase 3 ( CRP ) , 14.7% , 18.2% and 25.6% respectively were found to be dangerous .
11 ( The asbestos had been built into the carriages to act as sound and heat insulation , but had of course later been found to be a health hazard . )
12 In your advert give the name of the person to whom the reply is to be made since this has also been found to be a positive factor in encouraging people to reply .
13 It has also been found to be a source of one of the major ingredients of the contraceptive pill .
14 Recently some migrant African and Chinese populations have also been found to be susceptible to non-insulin dependent diabetes , and people of European origin might be the only true ‘ low susceptibility ’ group .
15 Sleep-deprived subjects have similarly been found to be easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli in a card-sorting task , again demonstrating a failure to maintain focused attention on the job in hand .
16 National Governments may also be found to be in breach of Articles 85 and 86 in combination with their duties under Articles 3 ( ? and 5 to co-operate with the EEC institutions in achieving the objectives of the Treaty , which include the institution of a system ensuring that competition is not distorted .
17 It is possible that if a large group of post-acute pancreatitis patients was studied , trypsin , lipase , and bicarbonate secretion may also be found to be significantly decreased .
18 The teeth also were found to be similar to the condition described after 29 months weathering : for a sample of 31 teeth , 25.8 per cent were split ( Fig. 1.6A , B ) and 9.7 per cent were chipped ( Fig. 1.6E ) ; 34.8 per cent of the incisors were broken .
19 I was too young to sign the consent form and when Malc arrived , he also was found to be too young .
20 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
21 However , staphylokinase has now been found to be more potent than streptokinase for the dissolution of platelet-rich arterial eversion graft thrombi ; moreover , it seems to be less immunogenic .
22 The distribution of price changes or returns has often been found to be leptokurtic .
23 Nevertheless among these peoples there are sometimes individuals , frequently sincere , who claim to have no belief in a ‘ god ’ of any kind , but who , notwithstanding this , will often be found to be living a life in accordance with at least some part of an organised religion , and doing so often quite unbeknown even to themselves .
24 In other words , the repatriations of the Yugoslavs should continue ; the methods being used to carry them out were found to be " satisfactory " as an alternative to the " use of force " , and this was now a matter of full agreement between Eighth Army and AFHQ .
25 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
26 Though Cognitive–Behavioural Marital Therapy has consistently been found to be as or more effective than any other type of marital therapy , nevertheless in terms of the proportion of clients that actually improve , the results are quite modest .
27 The prevalence of H pylori in gastric ulcer disease varies more widely , but has most consistently been found to be around 70% .
28 This last task , in fact , had earlier been found to be performed better by the left hand of neurologically intact right and left handers ( Kimura and Vanderwolf 1970 ) .
29 However , the same has again been found to be true of some normal schizotypal individuals and , notably , the genetically related children of schizophrenics .
30 Raccoons no longer trapped for their fur , have invaded suburbia around Washington and a few have recently been found to be rabid .
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