Example sentences of "[adv] entirely a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The case is not entirely a private family matter since it has very serious implications for society as a whole .
2 In the view of many discerning pop fans , The Farm are , of course , shite , the most recent and worst atrocity being their ‘ reading ’ ( or should we say brief flick through , glancing at the pictures ) of ‘ Do n't You Want Me ’ , which , contrary to popular belief , is not entirely a third-rate copy of the Human League original .
3 This was not entirely a semantic shift , and was to foreshadow a much wider change in attitude to the relationship between the state and the economy , which was to be felt throughout the 1980s .
4 Arthur de la Mare of the British Foreign Office remarked that one of the most noteworthy features of the broadcast by Hugh Borton and Edwin Martin was Borton 's admission that the failure of the Joint Commission was not entirely an American responsibility , ‘ nor was it entirely the Russians ’ .
5 A BBC spokesman said last night : ‘ We have not ruled out entirely a possible adaption , but there are a number of unresolved factors . ’
6 Churchill summed it up to Keynes after the two men had had a particularly difficult conversation about the matter : ‘ This is n't entirely an economic decision ; it 's a political decision . ’
7 It was n't entirely an idle question since Wendy and Tom Witherington had two young children upon whom their bachelor uncle doted .
8 When the village was almost entirely an agricultural community then a case can be made , as we shall see , that the close-knit and overlapping social ties produced a situation in which everyone more or less knew everyone else , but we should be wary of sanctifying the agricultural village with a misplaced nostalgia .
9 Before settling down to a tour of the old quarter ( and Stein is almost entirely an old quarter ) , it is a good idea to face the climb to the Burg Hohenklingen , from the battlements of which there is a breathtaking view of the Rhine winding its way through flat green pastures and dense woodland , and of the closely clustered pointed roofs of Stein itself .
10 The House of Lords was , until the latter half of the twentieth century , almost entirely an hereditary body .
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