Example sentences of "[adv] entirely [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's er almost two years ago now that erm , and it , I 'd like you to wait , but not entirely as a consequence of B C C I 's er , demise , that Citra published a code of practice to Treasury Management and a guide to the Chief Officers who were members of that Institution .
2 Eventually , I found a young hospital registrar who said , not entirely as a joke : ‘ I expect we 'll find a cupboard for her ’ .
3 There does not lurk somewhere a Dorian Gray-like picture of an irascible , opinionated Attila ; although people say he is not entirely without a temper .
4 OSLO — The leader of Norway 's minority Labour government , Gro Harlem Brundtland , is not entirely without a sense of humour .
5 The whole House will be very relieved to know that such a matter is not entirely in a Minister 's hands .
6 No salaries were guaranteed and their income depended almost entirely on a proportion of fees from enrolments in classes and courses at civilian and military centres .
7 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
8 Their efforts were observed by John Paston III who , however , was watching events round the king almost entirely with an eye to how they might affect his family 's dispute with the duke of Norfolk , and recorded the flurry of activity without noting its cause .
9 Under that system I used the first term almost entirely as a preparation for the teaching practice itself .
10 Indeed it will be described almost entirely as a liability because the costs will be known .
11 FAMED FOR his big , blaring , action-packed war movie , Oliver Stone 's most persuasive picture is centred almost entirely in a radio station .
12 In fact , it was copied almost entirely from an apartment in the Dakota building , outside which John Lennon was shot some years later and where Yates himself would live .
13 ‘ It 's 17 April , ’ I said and then wondered if the church was booked because the canon suddenly looked preoccupied — he seemed to be somewhere else entirely for a minute .
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