Example sentences of "[adv] instead of [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A major step in evolution was taken when cells that had been produced by successive splittings stuck together instead of going off independently .
2 Labour tries to level everyone down instead of levelling up .
3 ‘ Why do n't you sit down instead of hovering about there ? ’
4 I 've done out all me rows , I 've got ta come down instead of going across .
5 I am surprised that the hon. Gentleman runs his region down instead of talking up its successes .
6 So instead of renting out the planes from the Blue Max museum , the team came up with a plan to use them in their own production .
7 Unfortunately , sound waves at this frequency are quite long , and so instead of bouncing off small objects , they simply pass around them .
8 ( 20 December 1777 ) So instead of moving on to Paris before the winter set in , the Mozarts remained in Mannheim .
9 So instead of waiting indefinitely for a buyer , they have decided to try selling their house by auction .
10 A rumour that he was casting 100 children went round St James 's School in Church Street , so instead of going straight home the girl pupils nipped off to the audition .
11 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
12 But the insert cap had stuck to the outer cap of the bottle and had come off — so instead of adding just a couple of drops , half the contents of the bottle went in .
13 Ventilator gargoyles started to hiss , sucking in instead of breathing out .
14 If you 're going to make any sort of impression on this superior person , you 'll have to make an impact soon instead of demonstrating little else but shyness .
15 If they caught the Sleeper tonight instead of flying down tomorrow morning , it would work out equally convenient .
16 And like instead of running forwards while they grab on to you if you step , walk backwards it makes them fall over .
17 If you put his legs on backwards way he 'll go home instead of coming up here .
18 ‘ Fans just go straight home instead of coming in for a drink .
19 ‘ Why do n't we tidy up instead of yacketing on ?
20 Anyone who comes to that debate mithering about standing up instead of sitting down or worried about the fate of Aldershot Football Club should be excluded on the grounds that he has not yet understood the difference between the future and tomorrow .
21 ‘ I keep on growing up instead of growing out .
22 To take advantage of the high rate of return on securities , people buy them now instead of holding on to their money .
23 No I do n't think she 's ready quite yet , she 's got a few things to sort out first and that 's definitely not right , she wants to raise the daggerboard not lower it , bit of confusion there about which way to turn the tiller but she 's round safely , she should be looking where she 's going now instead of sorting out all the string .
24 A common mistake is to try to use lift on the way back instead of gliding on through it at a sensible speed .
25 Some competitors just are n't quick enough off the mark , or they hold back instead of thrusting in strongly .
26 The nursery has revived this old and useful idea , whereby instead of growing upwards the tree grows horizontally .
27 kept checking up on people 's like erm capabilities as well instead of getting on with his own job he kept checking up on their them all as well .
28 ‘ Yes , I can understand you hanging on here instead of coming back to Berlin .
29 Frigging around instead of facing up to where the bloody wife had gone and putting a stop to it at once .
30 An agitated old lady addressed Ramsey severely and asked why he did not go back to his own country and do good there instead of stirring up trouble in the United States .
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