Example sentences of "[adv] give you [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think I 'd better give you a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics .
2 ( Mutengene is a harder word than Sasse so I had better give you the pronunciation : Moo-teng-genay . )
3 Also it would be very wasteful of pump power and , depending where the transfer pipe entered the second filter/filter chamber , would not necessarily give you the oxygenation you wish for .
4 I can only give you a C.
5 I can only give you a tool for good .
6 If you omit to declare the steps and have the wrong answer , he can only give you a zero mark .
7 ‘ No , Constanza , ’ Ludovico replied , ‘ I did not give you a shock .
8 Although many Homes may not give you an induction pack , you could start to make up one of your own .
9 Perhaps by contemplating you will find something that is wrong in your proposition … dig the gold and look at the country , but we can not give you the country you ask for .
10 All this may seem like a put-off — but so many have died through lack of thought , facilities and impatience I can not give you the impression that they are going to be cheap and easy , quite the reverse !
11 If they ca n't help you speak to the feed companies themselves , and if they can not give you the information you want do n't buy their feed , its as simple as that !
12 The mixture of an SD1 engine , Range Rover flywheel and exhaust in a Range Rover does not give you the power that you might expect , so be careful when mixing engine components such as flywheels , camshafts , distributor and carbs from different engine applications .
13 ‘ Her Majesty is paying your bills now , not the State , but that does not give you the right to behave any way you like . ’
14 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
15 Subtract the third reading from the second , which will generally give you a value between 0 and 50 , This is the value which indicates your fitness .
16 The promise and the fulfilment , let me just give you a couple of verses there in John fourteen , John make er , Jesus he makes this statement to his disciples , in John fourteen , in verses sixteen and seventeen , and I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper , another word for the Holy Spirit , that he may be with you forever .
17 might as well just give you a blazer and
18 Sometimes they might just give you a caution .
19 Let me just give you a list of some of the things that , that God has provided for us in , by , and we receive it by faith .
20 ‘ I 'll just give you a lift with these pots before we go . ’
21 But if you ordered a ten thirty delivery and it arrived before noon , we would just give you the money difference the before twe , ten thirty and the before noon price , not the complete price .
22 two , of regulation seventeen , perhaps I 'd just give you the reference in er I 'm sure it must be there , page , page twelve , one , one is regulation seventeen
23 So I 'll just give you the equation you can write the equation ion the on the graph paper .
24 Let me just give you an idea , just that 's something else we do , let me give you some idea of , that 's a couple of examples very attractive books
25 If I just nip round to the drawings I 'll just give you an indication of of what exactly we 're , we 're doing .
26 One or other of these could always give you a clue .
27 I can always give you a routine check-up , but obviously , if you get any twinges , even if you think it might just be wind , give us a call .
28 Erm so you need to develop a system that 's going to always give you a method and is always making the work easier for you and not getting you lost .
29 If , however , the examiner can not read the words , he can not possibly give you the credit that should be yours .
30 It , it is , it , it is seen as a possibility that if you use carry forwards as a way of finding the reductions , A you would n't actually reduce a service on the face of it , and you would also , it would also give you a chance to examine where those reductions in services could be found in the coming months , er , rather than take decisions immediately .
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