Example sentences of "[adv] known that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it was accepted by the House of Lords that if the sellers had not known that the herring meal was to be used as food , no condition of fitness for purpose would have been implied .
2 Sir John Donaldson defended himself in a public speech saying that the court had not known that the assets had been earmarked for a political or any other purpose .
3 The Bulgarian President , Zhelyu Zhelev , told the Czechoslovakian news agency CTK on Feb. 1 that it was " generally known that the Warsaw Pact ( had ) outlived its time " , and that Bulgaria was also planning to leave the organization .
4 In Ireland it was also generally known that the rays of the sun at winter solstice sunrise illuminated the chamber of the ancient mound at Newgrange .
5 IT was always known that the decision to close 31 pits was economic , industrial and social madness .
6 It may be that one of my children might want one or two of them , but nobody these days has the houses to hang pictures in the way Bunny and I have done , and I 've always known that the public will eventually enjoy them .
7 It is also known that the Indus Valley civilization was far more extensive than formerly realised , embracing areas as far away as the Oxus River , now called Amu Darya , in Central Asia and forming part of the Soviet Afghanistan border on its course .
8 As noticed ( p. 59 ) it is now known that the graptolites were an extinct branch of the phylum Hemichordata , an insignificant group today , consisting of a few encrusting colonial organisms .
9 It is now known that the majority of standard statistical procedures used in the construction and evaluation of quantitative economic ( and other ) models , are sensitive to whether or not the data series to which they are applied are stable or unstable .
10 However , it is now known that the Moon is devoid of seas , and devoid of an atmosphere as well .
11 However it would appear that Hahnemann was a couple of centuries ahead of his time because it is now known that the DNA of certain viruses can incorporate itself into our own genome , our own inherited material .
12 The rights to Presley 's ‘ Sun ’ recordings were acquired by RCA Victor together with the rights to the artist , and although it is now known that the tapes in RCA Victor 's vault are not actually the 1955 originals , they are extremely good copies , and all have been reissued on compact disc .
13 It was now known that the allegations had come from statements made from three children already in care in mainland Scotland .
14 It was now known that the body of the Professor who specialised in nuclear physics had been claimed by the Iraqi Embassy in Rome .
15 It is well known that the inhibition of NO synthesis with L-arginine analogues induces a sustained vasoconstriction and causes an increase in systemic arterial blood pressure .
16 It is well known that the Princess wanted ‘ out ’ of the Royal Family , but to her fellow passengers it was also clear she is only now coming to terms with the fact that she really is out — and quite alone .
17 It is well known that the majority of dementia sufferers living at home receive the main part of their care from family , friends and neighbours ( see for example Bergmann , 1978 ; Levin et al , 1983 ) .
18 It is well known that the DTI is concerned about the impact of regulation on very small companies .
19 However , it is well known that the motivation of the person concerned is an important ingredient in successful independence .
20 It is well known that the authorities are aware of only a small proportion of crimes , and that administrative processing of those crimes further distorts official statistics .
21 In the building trade it is well known that the cost of building a new building may be less than the cost of modifying an old one .
22 It 's well known that the universe verse is infinite .
23 It is well known that the Education ( Schools ) Bill , which seeks to privatise the schools ' inspectorate , is a matter of great controversy .
24 First , it is ( or should be ) well known that the peer review system is not infallible and , further , that the best journals openly acknowledge that editorial judgement on the importance of a paper and its estimated interest to readers play an important role in deciding which papers to publish and which to reject .
25 It is well known that the Albanians , who predominate in Kosovo and in parts of western Macedonia , tend to have very large families , Such rapid rates of growth of population in areas of poverty and high unemployment are naturally a matter of great concern to the authorities .
26 It is well known that the Government have received an offer to privatise search and rescue services .
27 It is well known that the UKCC has to this date been a bastion of conservatism , its appointments being made through the patronage of the secretary of state or the national boards .
28 But it is well known that the provision of advice services nationally is uneven and as the best.known generalist advice agency , the CAB feels that it would be failing the wider community if it did not consider what barriers may be preventing people from approaching a CAB for advice .
29 At the time of privatisation it was well known that the city bus station was subject to a compulsory purchase order by the council and would be taken over for whatever sum .
30 Secondly , it is well known that the impact of the rediscovery of poverty in the 1880s helped to bring about a much more complex analysis of poverty and its causes , which in turn looked toward the State to begin to solve the problem .
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