Example sentences of "[adv] ca [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The poor man just ca n't rest in peace .
2 Right , Moxon , Metcalfe , Carrick , good old Arnie of course … er , that stocky lad who does n't move his feet properly … um , let me see now : um , oh yes , that fellow who keeps getting backache , and then that off-breaker who ca n't turn it , and that so-called seamer with the funny hairstyle who just ca n't bowl at all …
3 While she was absorbing that little gem , ‘ I never thought I would ever accept a working wife , but , ’ he paused and gave her a private smile , ‘ if that 's what my darling wants , I just ca n't stand in the way of her choice to continue working . ’
4 I just ca n't fit in here . ’
5 ‘ Yes , well , it 's as Wilson said this morning , you just ca n't tell by appearances .
6 ‘ I just ca n't cope with it any more .
7 I just ca n't cope with the written word , I suppose . ’
8 Erm I mean that was quite odd really , we had er quite a few white tenants coming in to one end of the building , erm just saying that , you know , We just ca n't cope with it any more .
9 She just ca n't cope with this sort of thing .
10 The location holds little promise , the time slot is unlikely , yet for over two years now the Sunday afternoon sessions at the Queens Club near Slough have been packed out with those who just ca n't stop after Saturday night .
11 Erm , amateur societies just ca n't exist without loyal officers and those officers have shown their loyalty by s standing again and we know the special circumstances appertaining to the , which brings us to the nitty- gritty now erm you said we have , Tracy , five erm perhaps you 'd better read those names out for us and then I think the best thing to do is to have a closed vote , where we give you all a piece of paper on which you state your nomination folded up so nobody else can see we 'll put them in a bag and then we 'll appoint a couple of to count the vote so that we do not the chairman .
12 As Ashley Newton suggests , ‘ You just ca n't generalise about A&R men .
13 Er I just ca n't think of the words I mean , but if you if you run through those , it 's quite off-putting .
14 ‘ I meant , well , I just meant that — I du n no , I just ca n't think of the right words .
15 You just ca n't think of anything to say now can you .
16 I 've fell over again — I just ca n't stay on my feet .
17 There are some places I just ca n't go to . ’
18 and then I 'd know where I am , huh , I just ca n't go to it from this end , right I 'm out tonight , I 'm at the joiners with friends so
19 I love you so much , I just ca n't live without you
20 ‘ I just ca n't live with you any longer , ’ said Michelle , who could not handle his swings of temperament and , coupled with her own desire to find a career in films , she had resolutely determined not to return to Dennis .
21 All this fighting and emotional turmoil ; well , I just ca n't live with it .
22 And I just ca n't live in this present .
23 ‘ I just ca n't cry on cue .
24 You just ca n't single in any of them , but next year there doing single language , are n't they ?
25 She added : ‘ We just ca n't take in the fact that a life with so much to offer has been suddenly ended .
26 I just ca n't believe in the kind of death that the Egyptian world has .
27 He just ca n't deal with parents and adults because he 's so used to talking down to students all day .
28 ‘ We are all going through hard times in the construction industry and I just ca n't deal with endless interruptions and keep a firm on the rails as well . ’
29 You ca n't die , mam , you just ca n't die like that so sudden without me being ready . ’
30 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
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