Example sentences of "[adv] yet [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Although not yet evaluated as a protective vaccine , heat killed M vaccae has been shown to reverse the progress of tuberculosis , even that due to multidrug resistant strain .
2 So far , many of the improvements they brought about have survived , and the fragmented bus industry has not yet led to a breakdown of the integrated ticketing that marked such a step forward in British practice .
3 Such changes in the target areas of lending not only make its impact more difficult to assess , but have not yet led to a sustained improvement in the rate of economic growth achieved by recipient countries .
4 The Yugoslav revolution succeeded in preventing the nationalities within its state frontiers from massacring each other almost certainly for longer than ever before in their history and though this achievement is now unfortunately crumbling , by the end of 1988 national tensions had not yet led to a single fatality .
5 The fact that this has not yet led to a fundamental delegitimisation of the state 's role has led some Marxists to develop a more sophisticated awareness of the divergent forces operating upon the growth of government .
6 Worsening expectations had not yet led to a collapse in investment , however .
7 The third book was about the progress of thought versus theology in mediaeval times ; Paul had not yet decided on a title .
8 unhit is a non-interactive program for selecting clones and probes , which also gives a list of clones not yet hit by a probe .
9 Yeltsin pointed out that the RCP had not yet registered as a political party .
10 The White Park apart , the British breeds are closely related — they have not yet diverged to a noticeable extent in spite of their apparent differences .
11 The Ghanaian novelist , Kwasi Armah , gave the title The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born to a novel he published in 1969 .
12 One important change already established in working practice has been the elimination of the ‘ in transit ’ stage when a delivery has left the works but not yet arrived at a distribution centre .
13 Access is easy , for although the car parks are few , they are strategically placed , and I 've not yet come across a walker with tales of local farmers barring the way .
14 It had come from the London Group of members , but the Operations Department have not yet come to a decision on this .
15 He has not yet come to a conclusion on that .
16 Though Steven had not yet qualified as a doctor/passed his A levels/opened his restaurant/learned to tell the difference between a gasket and a sprocket , it was obvious that they had much in common .
17 If the terms of an agreement are unclear , or incomplete in some material aspect , it may be that in law the parties have not yet entered into a contract .
18 If it appears useless then we have not yet understood its function in the order of things : it is not yet woven into a personally cohesive pattern of ideas and events .
19 But Clare was not yet accustomed to a life in which ice cream , sherry , and a telephone were luxuries .
20 She leaned on the table — her head jutting forward , wisps of iron-grey hair sticking from beneath the cap which she had not yet changed for a wig — and asked Midnight : ‘ What do y'know of the Captain 's affairs ?
21 One pathway not yet considered as a cause of thyroid cancer is the decay of the 12 000 curies of tellurium-132 released .
22 Artificial fertilisers ( potash , nitrates ) were not yet used on a large scale : Chilean nitrate imports to Britain had not reached 60,000 tons by 1870 .
23 He was not yet known as a neighbour .
24 From his servants they learned that he and his coachman had not yet returned from a visit to the opera .
25 If the crime had been other than murder he would have left it to his Scientific Officer assistant , not yet returned from a belated lunch .
26 These trends might of course represent the beginning of a change in progress , but if this is so , it is not yet established as a pattern that we can show by our methods as regular , and so we can not demonstrate that it is a change .
27 With the political dust not yet settled from a controversial abortion ruling in July , the nine Supreme Court justices must rule in the next nine months on three other attempts by US states to regulate abortion as well as the right of parents to terminate the life of a brain-dead daughter .
28 Not yet signed to a major , but reassuringly , still peeping out of the wardrobe of their best friend 's older sister .
29 The company has set up focus groups to talk to large US PC users , but has n't yet hit on a magic formula that will allow it to get at users directly and in a cost effective way .
30 Well , it makes a very good tale , only I do n't know if I could remember any of it ’ He beamed on Taliesin , and then said in an aside to Fribble that he had never yet heard of a Tyrian who did n't judge his wine remarkably well .
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