Example sentences of "[adv] into [art] [adj] street " in BNC.

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1 His room was on the first floor of the college , looking down into a narrow street that ran beside it .
2 I recall her pacing the sitting-room while I am doing my homework , pausing every so often to stand at one of the windows and look down into the busy street below .
3 Bunny stood at the window and stared wearily down into the lamp-lit street .
4 Once away into the open street they could breathe more freely .
5 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
6 Rosa saw no one from her hideaway in the dark arch of their carriage door and so she stepped out into the gleaming street , which felt good and solid , under the warm soles of her feet ; her heart was thumping , but that too felt good .
7 We walked out into the dark street .
8 He lifted Leonora into the passenger-seat then leapt up to back the vehicle out into the narrow street , waving his thanks as a weather-beaten old man slammed the garage door shut with a wide smile before waving them on their way .
9 When you stayed away from me , I would try in vain to will you back beside me : then , long after the dinner I waited for you to share but had to eat alone , I would wander out into the stony streets , hoping to bump into you , to glimpse you sitting in a bar or on a park bench :
10 After a leisurely meal it was out into the sun-drenched streets again , replete and relaxed , in boisterous good-natured company , for an excellent coffee and a cigar .
11 He walked slowly out into the hot street .
12 Before the startled merchant could think of a reply , Cranston had taken Athelstan by the elbow and steered him out into the sun-baked street .
13 In Sutton , the wires came out into the High Street and ran a short distance to the right to run round a small green at Bushey Road .
14 Another waiter came , and together they threw Soapy out into the cold street .
15 He hunched his shoulders and stamped his way defiantly down the rest of the stairs and out into the cobbled street .
16 With her mind reeling , Merrill walked ahead of him down the stairs and out into the windy street .
17 ‘ Nothing of the culture celebrated by Camus survives ’ — except , I add now , stepping out into the sundrenched streets , the light .
18 She gathered her pages of notes and went out into the sunlit streets .
19 They walked back out into the sunlit street together .
20 Sikes made no reply , but , pulling open the door , ran out into the silent streets .
21 He ran out into the wet streets saying he would find a taxi .
22 When you arrive at the traffic lights in Welshpool turn left into the main street and carry on up past the town hall on your right hand side .
23 As he walked back into the hot street he wondered if some royal bastard did indeed lurk in her family tree .
24 As they talked they had moved out of the pub , back into the sunlit streets .
25 I picked up my bag and went back into the cold street .
26 ‘ Where are we going now ? ’ she asked as he swung the car back into the main street .
27 One takes me along St Mary 's Villas and Barrowclough Road , past the old municipal baths and the new DIY and wholesale paint centre ; while the other means cutting down Lennox Gardens , taking that street whose name I always forget into Rumsey Road , then past the row of shops and back into the High Street .
28 Ten minutes to shovel in a plateful of hot stew or fish and chips , and then out again into the back streets and down to the Iron Green .
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