Example sentences of "[adv] going [prep] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 We 're not going to be able to go on as we are .
2 You 're not going to be able to pick this up very easily , so fingers on buzzers and no conferring .
3 If you are still using a standard radio system and only wish to execute the occasional loop or roll , then you can continue with your existing equipment , but you should realise that you are not going to be able to perform round loops or axial rolls .
4 You 're just not going to be able to maintain your rugby at the highest standard otherwise .
5 ‘ There are some things that are too subtle for television advertising and you are not going to be able to tell the whole story in 30 seconds .
6 If we go into the New Year in 10th place , we are not going to be able to do it . ’
7 If the Government decides to regulate a particular area of activity , whether because of public pressure following financial scandals or because of an EC directive , the profession is not going to be able either to make it go against public opinion or to relieve it of its responsibilities under the Treaty of Rome .
8 ‘ You 're not going to be able to keep them out of this .
9 ‘ I would love another child but I have to be aware of the possibility that I 'm not going to be able to have one of my own , ’ she said .
10 Before he took office in 1985 , Cerezo said , ‘ We are not going to be able to investigate the past .
11 ‘ I 'm not going to be able to help you , Mr Millet .
12 If a character manages to take the wand he 's not going to be able to sit down and figure out what it does in the heat of battle , so it 's not usable immediately .
13 Roses need looking after , and it is no good at all planting a collection , or any number of them , if you are not going to be able to give them the time and attention they need .
14 If it is not , and the root ball crumbles , you are not going to be able to plant it in the ground without disturbing the roots .
15 Erm but if it 's during the day I 'm not going to be able to get there .
16 You 're not going to be able to just look at it and write down something equals two X are you .
17 Trouble is , I 'm not going to be able to see you as a jolly , good-natured tomboy any longer , ’ he said huskily .
18 you know you 're not going to be able to move it any
19 If you get somebody putting six hundred pounds for holidays , I 'll be thinking mhm you know , they 're not going to be able to do a lot on six hundred pounds a year , but when I actually get to talk to them I find they 've got a caravan , and a friend who 's got a site in North er er in North Yorkshire .
20 " Well , sir , I 'm not going to be able to help you unless you let me ask you some questions .
21 It 's a bit more difficult for me now , because they 've got to do things like figure-work , which they 're not going to be able to cope with .
22 ‘ Tell me now , or I 'm not going to be able to . ’
23 You 're not going to be able to protect it from radiation , are you ? or brain damage caused by lead in the atmosphere ? or cancer caused by preservatives in food ? ’
24 From the tone of her voice , I thought I was not going to be able to avoid being slung in the box and slipped off the Isle of Wight ferry .
25 Ten years from now I 'm gon na be 52 , and I 'm not going to be able to go down the Hacienda without looking a complete prat .
26 But then even if they do that and even if they get the franchise , they 're not going to be able to say , we can now hold on to it for five , or seven , years , however long the franchise is going to be , because if another bidder comes along in the meantime and says , we rather like this ourselves , they 'll be thrown off .
27 So you 're not going to be able to see Shapinsay school for the trees very soon ?
28 Now we 're not going to be able to go out and check where , which way that every pound is spent .
29 Now rotations are frequently used in agriculture , and if you 're locked into a rotation , it does n't really matter what happens to current price , you 're not going to be able to af to change your output , right , because you 've got to er , keep into this , in this rotation .
30 You must at least conceede that Strach is not going to be able to keep performing at this level indefinitely .
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