Example sentences of "[adv] that it have become " in BNC.

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1 Water had dripped on to the paper so that it had become sodden and merged with the lettuce leaves .
2 In 1924 , though , Eliot has come to perceive The Golden Bough as a ‘ stupendous compendium of human superstition and folly ’ , seeing in it increasingly less ‘ interpretation ’ , so that it has become ‘ a statement of fact ’ which is not involved in the maintenance or fall of any theory of Frazer 's .
3 It is characteristic of Eliot to move in After Strange Gods from the savage notion of taboo , which he sees as having decayed in our time so that it has become ‘ used … in an exclusively derogatory sense ’ , to the Christian notion of ‘ heresy ’ as being vital to the interpretation of the modern world and to the health of the ( mainly Christian-based ) ‘ tradition ’ .
4 It will , though , be tempered by the healing gap of time , so that it has become ‘ This time the year before last … ’ not ‘ This time last year … ’ .
5 So much so that it has become a saw of pollsters and political commentators that ‘ election campaigns make no difference ’ .
6 Is it because all the people who have lived here have left little bits of themselves behind , so that it has become more than just a shelter against the wind and the rain ?
7 The reason that it has received so much attention is not primarily that it is of practical importance ( although it has applications , e.g. Sections 26.2 , 26.5 , 26.6 ) , but rather that it has become a context for the development of ideas about the consequences of instability and evolution towards turbulent motion .
8 When Two Left Feet was eventually released , critics pointed out that it had become dated , but there was general praise for the performances of Crawford and his two female co-stars , all of whom had been unknown when they made the film but had become names by the time it was shown in cinemas .
9 Now that it 's become a summer time exercise it 's er good for the tourist you know ?
10 This question too has had a long history though it is only quite recently that it has become a precisely defined issue of zoological theory .
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