Example sentences of "[adv] for [noun pl] trying [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed fitting for Thatcherism to end , not with a bang , but with the protracted whimper of a ‘ hung ’ parliament ; with the Tories struggling on for days trying to patch up some squalid deal with the Ulster Unionists , before Neil Kinnock and Paddy Ashdown were driven to 10 Downing Street in their Daimlers .
2 Hamburger-flipping jobs ( ‘ McJobs ’ ) that pay the minimum wage ( $3.80 an hour in 1990 ) are fine for teenagers , but not for parents trying to support a family .
3 Of course , there is some very good help around for women trying to breastfeed — for health visitors , midwives , nurses and breastfeeding counsellors , who you can contact through organisations like the National Childbirth Trust and the La Leche League .
4 I would sit there for ages trying to figure out how it accomplished this .
5 The way ahead for paleontologists trying to build up a knowledge of evolution has been spurred on by the revolution in plate tectonics , which has provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic record and fossilized data .
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