Example sentences of "[adv] a [adj] job [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gluing is not so much a skilled job as a responsible one and a large number of mistakes are available to a determined man , all of which can have dangerous results .
2 I did hold down a responsible job in my last post , ’ she said .
3 She seemed to have got her act together and held down a steady job as a capstan lathe operator in a local tool factory .
4 As well as looking after Thomas , Beverley holds down a busy job as an executive with Boots in Nottingham .
5 What is more , radio reviewing is not a proper job for a grown man .
6 When he started school , she only had to look after him before school started and after it finished , so she took on a part-time job as a lunch-time playground supervisor at the same school .
7 I 'd just made rather a good job of denting his back bumper . ’
8 He had been as surprised and chagrined at her choice as he had at the prospect of taking up a new job with an unknown PA , but there had been an additional and more disturbing reaction .
9 After serving as a foreign correspondent in the Middle East and Paris , he took up a new job in Berlin on the very day in 1930 when the Reichstag election heralded unprecedented barbarism in Europe .
10 One of Peter Freygood 's friends in Regina was a chap called Geoffrey Byrnes who had taken up a literary job in Chicago in 1935 .
11 Ask if they have carried out a similar job for someone else and whether you can contact the customer to check if the job was satisfactory .
12 Other duties , of course , could also be pretty tedious , especially when you were stuck carrying out a rotten job against your own sympathies , your loyalties divided .
13 It sure as hell ai n't a full-time job for Mr Sorley , if that 's his name . ’
14 ‘ She held down quite a high-powered job in London before she came to me . ’
15 ‘ It was quite a useful job at the time , ’ he said , ‘ but restrictive .
16 Now , normally in this programme when we talk about womens ' magazines , people are inveighing against them because they carry various advertisements that they find offensive or exploitative , but are women 's magazines actually erm performing quite a useful job by filling in the gaps that that schools and parents are are failing to address ?
17 Of course you can well I knew of a girl who married I would n't say she 'd married well when she started out but her husband was enterprising e eventually got himself quite a good job at the at people who print the bank notes so so that they they started off in a prefab and they ended up with a new four bedroom bungalow with central heating at Athorpe Roding .
18 Well when I worked at , when I started off in the I quite liked my job in there , you made your own pay , and I liked , it was a starching job , I 'd quite a good job in there .
19 He made quite a decent job of it too .
20 Sub officer Jim Clark said : ‘ It was quite a simple job for us .
21 I 'm not sure and erm course they 're you know , struggling to do the mortgage but it it 's good because he you know , he 's done quite a few jobs for us
22 I worked at City Motors and I stayed there for seven years I had quite a few jobs before that but I liked that one .
23 Cricket in Sri Lanka is indeed a tough job with the high humidity as big a factor as the near 100 degree temperatures and the weather does add extra pressure on England 's players at the end of a long and arduous tour as they try to regain a little bit of their lost pride .
24 Mr Chairman , I , would like to slightly and trying not to be parochial , but having looked at the erm , figures , I , I just can not believe that those are honest figures , I mean there are eleven hundred and sixty nine people unemployed in Craven Arms or something like that , and they 've lost over a thousand jobs over the last few years , and erm , very few of those have been replaced .
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