Example sentences of "[adv] in the public [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It helped enormously that he also happened to enjoy affairs with women , and that when he was acting on stage , his sexual proclivities were not such a problem as he was less in the public eye .
2 I 'm only in the public eye because of what I do on the ice . ’
3 This in turn causes far more crack-ups than the usual pressures of being constantly in the public eye , a symptom that has now been identified as charity-fatigue .
4 What is clear is that this was all one society , in which the wives — like Mrs Lowndes herself — wrote books or maintained salons , while their husbands were functionaries , some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown , others — like Frederic Lowndes — no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps , as grey eminences .
5 ‘ Hardly ever has a Goebbels article stood so much in the public eye as this one , ’ added the report , ‘ but his articles have probably never been so criticized .
6 It is a constant risk for someone like her who is always in the public eye , that someone will develop a fixation on her , ’ the colleague said .
7 In and out of the camp Billy made sure that his camp and his model of the people 's pleasures were always in the public eye .
8 Yet despite his fame , despite the feeling that he is always in the public eye , he is making only his third TV appearance in a decade in A Foreign Field ( Sunday , BBC1 , 9.05pm ) .
9 Managers are more than ever in the public eye ; the scientific approach , in tactics , medical treatment , ground improvements , is commonplace ; floodlighting , numbered players , the ten-yard semi-circle are taken for granted .
10 Unlike many groups , The Wedding Present largely avoided the dubious pleasure of growing up in the public eye .
11 Think what sort of murders were most in the public eye at the period you want to write about , because there are fashions in murder .
12 Even when excavations are featured in newspaper articles and television programmes , archaeological sites are rarely in the public eye for more than a very short while .
13 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
14 The question of royal finances had been particularly in the public eye following the confirmation by Peter Brooke , the National Heritage Secretary , on Nov. 23 that the government would meet the costs of restoration of substantial portions of Windsor Castle which had been partly destroyed by fire on Nov. 20 .
15 And if he surfaced again in the public eye , maybe the DIA would lose interest and decide to retire him permanently .
16 The controversy created by the research suddenly put Hector 's dolphin firmly in the public eye .
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