Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] his eyes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They settled in armchairs and she saw how the standard lamp threw shadows on his face , accentuating the hollows in his cheeks and the overhang of his brow so that his eyes seemed to sink into their sockets and burn there in the firelight like lamps in darkened caves .
2 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
3 He holds the bat aloft for comfort , so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly , believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought .
4 His knees ached gently and his eyes watered with tiredness and the smoke of his own cigarette .
5 His father 's brows drew together and his eyes flashed with anger .
6 It was only as his eyes closed and he drifted into sleep that Corbett realised the wine must have been lightly laced with a sleeping potion .
7 She handed it over and his eyes scanned it rapidly .
8 His voice was low , but he was breathing harder and his eyes gleamed as though he held Tug in a trap .
9 They widened still further as his eyes ran slowly over the visible curves of her body .
10 For the first time Spatz 's head came up and his eyes searched him out .
11 When he lost his temper , and that was often , his cheeks puffed up and his eyes shrank to two small , bottomless black pits .
12 Then Tagan , the tracker , stopped and stood in his stirrups , his head up and his eyes narrowed .
13 It was only a whisper but Bobby heard it clearly and his eyes opened at once .
14 Now that his eyes had adjusted to the light , Patrick could just about make out the vague shape of the young woman before him , her face a dim grey against the paler shape of her nightdress .
15 ‘ I 've lived as I wanted to live , ’ she assured him breathlessly , unable to look away now that his eyes had captured hers .
16 Edmund has always loved and seen Fanny as a sister and now that his eyes have been widened to see Mary Crawford 's actual character he looks at Fanny now as his future wife .
17 When he drew back and his eyes lingered on her mouth , Ashley knew he was tempted to kiss her again — properly .
18 His lips were drawn back and his eyes flashed as one fist smashed hard on to the top of the snow-covered wall .
19 His right eyebrow is raised questioningly and his eyes try to hide his anxiety .
20 She knew she had gone too far when his eyes narrowed to glittering blue slits .
21 Ever since that morning when he 'd briefly pinned her to the mattress , gazing down at her so intently that his eyes had seemed to search her very soul , she 'd realised that she was in deep trouble .
22 But as the dark closed in again and his eyes began to adjust , the glimmering outline of a pale face encroached upon his senses .
23 ‘ Why ? ’ he rasped again as his eyes scoured her face for an answer .
24 ‘ Now do it , ’ he said throatily as his eyes held hers captive .
25 ‘ Good morning , ’ he said throatily as his eyes smiled warmly into her own .
26 He gave her a gentle push , and she slid from beneath the covers , blushing faintly as his eyes swept boldly over her nakedness , yet enjoying his frank scrutiny at the same time .
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