Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i told [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
2 She did so and I told her I preferred not to be disturbed again that evening .
3 Mother-of-four Dawn adds , ‘ Kim and I had a cry together and I told her that just because I loved Colin , it did n't mean I 'd stopped loving her . ’
4 Especially when I told him you were highly unlikely to give up the phetam for me . ’
5 At night the Temple gates were always closed , but the night-porter let me in when I told him my name .
6 Dad said to me , ‘ Just imagine if you had packed it in when I told you to !
7 Enid : My father said I would be sent away if I told her .
8 ‘ To old Ralf 's tower , just as I told you .
9 As soon as I told her about the things that had happened , she knew .
10 Speaking as one of them , I can tell this person that I am a single mother , not from choice , but because my baby 's father scarpered as soon as I told him I was pregnant .
11 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
12 ‘ Whatever happens , son , go on looking holy and do n't say a word more than I told you .
13 ( ‘ Whatever happens , son , do n't say a word more than I told you .
14 ‘ I flared up at him right off And I told him rd flay him if he ever sought me out again . ’
15 and I told him to fuck off and I told him he was a pain and all the rest of it and so
16 And then I saw her the next day and and then I realized the and then I came back home and I told her why does n't she see there 's something changed .
17 Once before I told you something that Angela Thirkell said , and you sold me to Edna [ E. Box , the painter ] , who sold you to Olivia , who told someone else , who straightway wrote it in a letter to Angela herself .
18 for June to starting , and then she said , did you rule off when I told ya .
19 And it , it was n't until many years later that I told anyone at all that 's , that 's the thing I was saying about bulimia , it 's very secret .
20 ‘ Connor said he would climb out and I told him not to be stupid , ’ she said .
21 Anyway , he come out and I told him all rigmarole !
22 It wo n't obstruct no light though because I told you the sun is more er , without the back it joins down the car
23 I have n't been back since I told them about me and Polly .
24 But he phoned yesterday and seemed a bit put out when I told him you were ill . ’
25 blinked at me blearily as I told him we had better ring the hospital .
26 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
27 ‘ Tony was thinking of packing it in over a month ago but I told him to go away and talk it over with his family first .
28 Aye well I do n't whether I told you I had a er I went on a holiday to the er beginning of September .
29 Well as I told you at you used to clip them that damn short and we when I was knocking them off , I had to keep dodging down , let the wag and keep knock clips off and chuck the one side and then the wagons came down They went down the hill like that , and then up here there was a hook line to stop them .
30 Well As I told you to begin with , he he he he must he was a man was er years ahead of his tim really .
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