Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] simply [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Much emphasis is placed these days on understanding and applying standard practice rather than simply learning it by rote .
2 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
3 Thus , asking for a shape , given its name , is not a valid way of testing for knowledge of a shape ; it is probably more important to build up pupils ' understanding of similarities and differences between shapes rather than simply teaching their names .
4 Mr Gould said that Labour must broaden its appeal rather than simply change its leader .
5 This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces .
6 Although there was evidence of awareness of the need to adapt training programmes rather than simply abandon them , there was also evidence of lack of any systematic in-service training , justified by inability to employ methods that depend on staff mobility :
7 Nevertheless , there are grounds for asking whether the measurable distribution of wealth-holding is simply a matter of choice within Britain in comparison with other leading economies , or whether the financial services sector forms the agency which actively determines that distribution rather than simply facilitating it .
8 The central thesis is that " coding creates reality rather than simply reporting it " ; but to suggest that " simple reporting " is how one might normally see coding functioning in relation to reality is to presuppose a very naive view .
9 Second , the technology for cleaning a site , rather than simply sealing it , is still inadequate and expensive .
10 Addictive use of any substance or behaviour is seen when the individual uses it in appropriately and compulsively to suppress uncomfortable emotions Or to gain a sense of elation in order to change a disordered mood rather than simply using it for its own sake .
11 Try observing these outer images rather than simply seeing them .
12 These need to be grasped if we are to understand him — and so to make use of him , rather than simply dismissing him as an embittered elitist pessimist .
13 This book , rather than simply telling you how to execute a manoeuvre , suggests valuable methods you can use to practise more efficiently .
14 We have explored a general , if somewhat schematic , framework which allows us to analyse rather than simply describe what undergraduates are taught during the three or four years that lead to their first degree .
15 The importance of the case , and the fact that Virgin 's public reputation was at stake , had driven Branson to take an active role in preparing Virgin 's defence , rather than simply entrusting it to his lawyers .
16 This makes much better sense than the General Electric list , because it places projected profitability as the major element of industrial attractiveness , rather than simply listing it as one of several factors , and provides a sound theoretical basis for determining it .
17 Skins on the segment and the pith both contain substances called bioflavonoids which enhance the effect of vitamin C , so it 's better to make use of the whole fruits rather than simply pressing them for your breakfast juice .
18 They shift through the songs on their excellent ‘ Born in Blood ’ with joy , pride and professionalism , enhancing the material rather than simply grinding it out on stage .
19 Tunstall 's main thesis is that the evidence for concentration of ownership is very weak if one charts ownership across all media fields rather than simply restricting it to the press , radio and television .
20 Rather than simply imposing their own preferences on policies and resource levels , they have critical effects in terms of mediating wider social relations and processes .
21 It should be pointed out that simply deciding who decides is a decision and should be a joint one .
22 these ones are purely and simply to let you
23 It does n't just appear , one can not go out and simply obtain it .
24 Even so , she had tied her hair back and simply slammed it on top of her head , If it had n't been for the few feminine wisps that escaped to frame that beautiful face she would have looked forbidding .
25 This is a deep but much discussed subject and I shall not go into it here but simply assume it .
26 Since then I 've often wondered whether I should n't have gone ahead and simply presented him with the bill .
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