Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] anything like [det] " in BNC.

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1 They 're perhaps little er more about the condition of the granules of a powder used for compressing into tablets , and the coating , how shall we coat it so that it washed away at once , dissolved slowly or anything like that .
2 Were there any parts of er of the complex that were out of bounds sort of top secret work going on or anything like that ?
3 Right , yeah you 're stuck to it are n't you and if you move away from it , where are you , if you got ta go back to it , you might have done this for t for today , do n't worry but you know , but it 's not , we 're not gon na mark you down or anything like that , the danger of is what ?
4 Yeah but none of the them would sit down or anything like that so you know
5 So or anything like that .
6 We were n't at school together or anything like that . ’
7 a big jar with pennies in or anything like that ?
8 Yeah , but er there 's no money kept in or anything like that
9 but fifty per cent of the people who said they were coming did n't turn up and most of them did n't phone in or anything like that which was a little bit of an upset for the host erm and consequently there was a bit put in
10 I did n't strap it up or anything like that — in fact I did nothing with it .
11 So there was nowhere to heat anything up or anything like that ?
12 It 's not dangerous or anything , like , it 's not gon na blow up or anything like that !
13 wings up or anything like that ?
14 Cos I mean I do n't they wan na be cut out or anything like that .
15 A certain no dialogue today or anything like that .
16 And er and then er of course I went back to me mother after me grandmother died , I went to me mother and er mind you when I was th young there was a lot of poverty about you know there was er no security pay and no er and you could n't get any money from anywhere or anything like that you know and er so it used to er had to do the best you can .
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