Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] they reach [art] " in BNC.

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31 The youths drove on until they reached a stretch of unmade road where they pulled up , but quickly left after they were disturbed by the sound of a barking dog .
32 She stumbled off the edge of the concrete path , and immediately his flashlight was directed towards the ground and at the same time he pressed her arm more tightly into his side , and like this they walked on until they reached the wood , and there their steps slowed and quietly he asked , ‘ Where 's he gone tonight ? ’
33 Henry Mayhew described how the costers preferred tasty cable-cord trousers , ‘ made to fit tightly at the knee and swell gradually until they reached the boot , which they nearly cover ’ .
34 It was quieter still when they reached the place .
35 Perhaps the most difficult skill for amateur performers to acquire , though , is the art of speaking to microphone at a constant voice level : most tend to start off strongly as they launch into their speeches , but gradually tail off as they reach the end .
36 He finally managed to light up as they reached the main road , and he blew a sidelong stream of blue smoke behind the Brigadier 's head .
37 Ambulance Chief Alan Murray defended his men 's actions pointing out that they reached the Royal in seven minutes .
38 The hills levelled out as they reached the crests , and they could see a vast , rolling country expanding blindingly far northwards ; a sea of white frozen breakers tumbling into an unknown shore under a clear sky .
39 Suddenly the road grew wider and the trees were left behind as they reached a small town of almost glaringly white buildings set against a backdrop of hills and fronted by a tiny harbour .
40 If you cut them back when they reach a manageable height they 'll retain their shape but will sprout a forest of shoots at the top .
41 It was n't until they reached the walls of Assisi that she spoke again .
42 Howard had anticipated losses well before they reached the river .
43 They saw the camp-fires lighting up the winter dusk well before they reached the Hoddom area , near where the Water of Milk joined Annan , which meant , of course , that the enemy ahead presumably would be apt to see them also ; but it was practically impossible to hide the presence of a major army anyway .
44 On the far side they followed the river about a mile downstream until they reached the same narrow point where the temporary bridge is constructed every year .
45 If you 're the earner , and she 's looking after the children , it 's usually down to you to make regular payments for the children 's upkeep at least until they reach the age of seventeen — and longer if they 're still in education .
46 They waded across till they reached a vantage point fifty metres short of the closest tentacle .
47 Maybe when they reached the lake some better opportunity would present itself .
48 She sighed ecstatically as they reached the cliff-top and a warm breeze caught her hair and whirled it high above her head .
49 The traditional careers of doctor , dentist , lawyer , solicitor , accountant , actuary , vet , structural engineer and pharmacist are united by the certainty that their salaries will continue to rise steadily until they reach the top of their professions .
50 Those last would not be required again until they reached the last mile of the return trip .
51 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price-performance curve .
52 It 's also a way of saying that Pentiums will be with us for a while , overlapping the life cycles of both the 80486 and P6 , and that it will be some time yet before they reach a competitive price/performance curve .
53 Jimmy had pulled himself together again when they reached the third landing .
54 She heard Rodo 's voice again as they reached the top .
55 The Brigadier was panting a little as they reached the top of the slope .
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