Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] 20 [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 OK , give it ten years and perhaps only 20 per cent will be producing what 60 per cent or 70 per cent were twenty-five years ago .
2 Close ties with Performance Fabrics remain and apart from sharing the same site Tygavac buys in about 20 per cent of its products from the Courtaulds Aerospace company .
3 The gamma dose rate proved to be only about 20 per cent — reasonably typical for clay materials .
4 Although membership remained low , only about 20 per cent of the West Bank labour force , the resurgence of the union movement symbolized a new national populism which the authorities seemed unable to stifle .
5 Only about 20 per cent of the carbon in the coal ends up in the gas in either process , so carbonisation is not an efficient method for producing a carbon-based gas from coal .
6 He recalls that a petrol engine is only about 20 per cent efficient ; most of the energy of its fuel appears as heat in its radiator and exhaust .
7 Only about 20 per cent do , yet this is supposed to be why we 're here .
8 Only about 20 per cent of local government revenue was being raised from households actually required to pay rates .
9 Only about 20 per cent .
10 The manufacturing base , which is already nearing the limits of viability — it is only about 20 per cent .
11 If you are less then 20 per cent overweight , you will be able to increase your pace much faster .
12 By the time he sold it at auction ( Sotheby 's , New York , May 1989 ) it had given him a real net annual rate of return of just under 20 per cent , after allowing for commission , insurance and inflation .
13 Just under 20 per cent of the population , however , in both areas complain of spring/summer symptoms and in the oilseed rape area a proportion attributed their symptoms to this crop .
14 The only flexibility in a local authority 's ability to raise finance will be the poll tax , which on current reckoning is intended to make up only 20 per cent of a local authority 's revenue base .
15 Digesting food uses up about 20 per cent of our calorie intake but the rest must be worked off by the energy we expend while living our lives .
16 Dairy products make up over 20 per cent of our calories and they also provide over 20 per cent of our protein intake and much of our calcium .
17 Growth rates in the North are well below the world average and thus its population will increase by about only 20 per cent between 1980 and 2025 .
18 In Nigeria the foreign investors ' share is now about 20 per cent , with the bulk of the remainder held in the Nigerian private sector ; the localization legislation created over one million individual shareholders .
19 Now over 20 per cent of American households have a Nintendo , and the Atari VCS is just a fond memory .
20 Simply expressed , a relatively poorly supported centre party with well under 20 per cent of the vote , but with some eighty or so seats , would invariably be in government ; would be in a position to determine whether Conservative or Labour were drawn into government with it ; and would , therefore , be able to exert an influence over the direction of public policy out of all proportion to their votes and support in the country at large .
21 When Clarke wanted to prove the adequacy of CSM 's resources to do its work he cited the fact that , in the three years since the government came to office in 1979 , these had risen from £1.1 to £1.2 million a year — a cut in real terms , according to the retail price index , of well over 20 per cent .
22 Mantes now employs 136 people and productivity per head has increased by well over 20 per cent in one year .
23 Typically overheating by 1°C increases energy consumption by 7 per cent , and so heating a building to 22°C rather than the statutory maximum of 19°C increases the amount of energy used by over 20 per cent .
24 In the event , absenteeism in the body plant actually rose by over 20 per cent over the seven-year period spanning the installation of the line-out system , though this was a smaller rise than in the press and the paint plants adjacent to the body shop .
25 Eight weeks later the questionnaires were sent out and again about 20 per cent responded with completed details .
26 It is currently about 20 per cent more expensive than peat composts .
27 The month-on-month inflation rate was currently over 20 per cent .
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