Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] to be found " in BNC.

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1 Her desires might be seen as figurative of more general feelings among postmodernist British authors , seeking inspiration and affection less often to be found within their own shores .
2 He had n't expected either that the Mess would be in a château , that the furniture would be impressively of its period — no worn armchairs or bits of junk in a state of collapse from subalterns ' games , as so often to be found in the messes of his experience , or indeed that his welcome would be so unaffectedly cordial .
3 It is important to understand that the ratio decidendi of a particular case is not wholly to be found in the case itself ; rather one must look to the way in which later courts interpret the case .
4 Mr Chairman , we we were interested in buying House , so I think I 'm not necessarily to be found erm ,
5 The value of such study is clearly not only to be found in an increased familiarity with literary references .
6 Canonical traits are not only to be found in words denoting living things .
7 This is normally only to be found in very large orchestras , but is a regular member of the wind band and clarinet choir .
8 Waiting in the Methodist Hall to rehearse the roles of CS Lewis and the woman he spent three blissful years with before her death , Joy Davidman , were Nigel Hawthorne and Jane Lapotaire , another pair of stars not usually to be found out west .
9 The subject of this chapter is not usually to be found in books on polymers .
10 Johnson also enjoyed catching sight of ancient texts in Aberdeen — a Hebrew manuscript ‘ of exquisite penmanship ’ , and ‘ a Latin translation of Aristotle 's Politicks by Leonardus Aretinus , written in the Roman character with nicety and beauty , which , as the art of printing has made them no longer necessary , are not now to be found ’ .
11 The rough calculation of £200,000 to support a Wallaby squad on such retainers is not yet to be found in the coffers of the Australian Rugby Football Union .
12 We have already encountered Baden-Powell in his romantic — progressive mode of address , but before the First World War he was more usually to be found singing a different tune : Here he is again , sounding off to the Royal United Services Institute in 1911 , in a typical Edwardian Tory response to the Liberal government 's programme of welfare reforms :
13 In addition , the reader was provided with information more usually to be found in an encyclopaedia than in a dictionary .
14 Their father who had started the business , although retired , was still usually to be found there , hovering in the background , his full white beard reminding me of Father Christmas .
15 And to compound the difficulty of how best to interpret the statistics , the author of the test has conceded that physicians , instrument makers , naval experts , agricultural reformers , and general applied scientists are more often to be found among the parliamentarians in the sample .
16 And in the more general upheaval of political beliefs which accompanied ‘ the strange death of liberal England ’ , influential judges were more often to be found towards the right of the spectrum of opinion .
17 I have vacated that nice little office in back there , making way for an older man , and am now more often to be found in the consulting rooms .
18 This is not to imply that the mid-nineteenth-century ( male ) bourgeois ( or those who aspired to be like him ) was merely dishonest , preaching one morality while deliberately practising another , though patently the conscious hypocrite is more often to be found where the gap between official morality and the demands of human nature is unbridgeable , as in this period it often was .
19 No , whoever caught him hunting for more knew that there was more there to be found — knew it because he himself had come out as soon as he dared , to remove whatever was there to a place of greater safety .
20 He was most often to be found in that jazz Mecca , Dobell 's Record Shop in Tower Street , where he was happy to reminisce about earlier times and to discuss who played what on the records from his heyday .
21 A tree ELF , most often to be found in elm , oak , willow and yew , but also in pine , holly , ash and apple .
22 It is at the sentencing stage where formal strategies are most often to be found .
23 In the full orchestra four horns ( or , more accurately , two pairs of horns ) are now always to be found .
24 But since this is sometimes exceedingly difficult , he would be unwise to say exactly what sort of traces they should be ; for he would then be vulnerable to the criticism that in some capitalist formations these are simply not to be found .
25 I did my best , Miguel , but how can my best be worth anything , when the qualified doctor is n't anywhere to be found , and the patient refuses to be moved ? ’
26 The purpose of this instruction is to eliminate the excess tension that is almost always to be found in the muscles of the neck .
27 Tod is quite often to be found in the tenement of whores .
28 The best clues are almost certainly to be found by studying those aspects of brain function which , if they become deranged , could account for the symptoms of psychotic illness , and currently a considerable amount of research is in progress testing out various possibilities .
29 Ceps , morels and other wild fungi were previously only to be found in specialist shops during the picking season ( from August to October ) .
30 One line of evidence is the fact that severe ‘ inner city ’ deprivation is no longer to be found just in older urban areas but also in the outer council-housing estates on the edges of cities which were built to house inner city residents displaced by renewal programmes ( CES Ltd , 1985 ) .
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