Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] a lot " in BNC.

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1 In fact the dream that we all had about Great Britain acknowledging it 's theatre and funding it properly has suffered a lot of setbacks since the ‘ sixties ’ .
2 Whereas in Northamptonshire the tutor-organiser saw himself as a professional liaising with other professionals in areas where voluntary participation was barely appropriate , his colleague in Essex was apparently expected to spend a lot of time in routine organising work which voluntary members could readily take over when she eventually resigned .
3 The problems of Scotswood continue , and although various people are trying to tackle them , it is obviously going to take a lot of time , money and effort to solve them .
4 All independently of each other going round to the , well I say independently , but they obviously get fed a lot of information from head office where we have a telesales operation .
5 To holiday here you not only get to feel a lot closer to God 's earth , but you also get to feel closer to your fellow man , and there 's not many places that make you feel like that !
6 I saw a live TV transmission of Il trovatore from the Metropolitan in New York a few weeks ago that can only have confirmed a lot of people 's worst prejudices about opera — dull production , dull filming , all wrapped round with a certain amount of superstar hype .
7 Is it , is that because the th the house you live in 's got a lot of green space round it ?
8 Tom Murray did not want to have a lot of girlfriends , but just one for good , one he could be deeply serious about .
9 We normally expect to see a lot of people on a Friday but they 're just not coming through the doors
10 They do not need to drink a lot , though , getting most of their water from the vegetation they eat .
11 Punishments generally seemed to get a lot more severe whilst I was there .
12 Aye you 're , aye you 're not going to use a lot .
13 I mean if they 're only giving three marks for it you 're not going to do a lot of geometry and all sorts of constructions and complicated things .
14 No , I mean , England have bowled much better at him and Tufnell 's for example is , is very difficult to get away because it is spinning a little bit and I 'm sure that they , the England bowlers must have said to themselves , we 're not going to bowl a lot of short balls at , at we must keep it full length , erm , and so part of this slow score is due to better England bowling .
15 We 're not going to get a lot of serious bearing enquiries .
16 Not going to make a lot of difference surely .
17 I mean if we do n't have compatible systems , then it 's not going to make a lot of it will make a difference , but not going to make as much difference , but I think if we do it could it really could be revolutionary .
18 Another Nottingham volunteer , Sue , said , ‘ I may not have lost a lot in pounds but it 's great to know I can lose inches from parts I did n't think I could ever reduce . ’
19 Darlington appeal co-ordinator Michelle Le-Neveu said donations did not have to cost a lot but should be high in nutrition like tinned fish or meat .
20 The manufacturer would thus have to spend a lot on mass advertising to create brand loyalty for the product , or attempt to ‘ push ’ the product through the channel by providing trade incentives , with probably a lower end price than competitive products coupled with a larger profit margin for retailers .
21 The growers are unhappy they 'll soon have to travel a lot further than the Vale of Evesham to get help .
22 The odd crisp packet , beer can or carrier bag may not seem to make a lot of difference , but they soon add up and begin to poison and suffocate pond and wildlife , as well as encouraging the spread of disease .
23 This hypothesis does not seem to have a lot going for it because , at the time Matthew — or whoever — was writing , there would still have been a few people around who could say something like I do n't remember any star ! ' )
24 As I am not planning to spend a lot on the engine I need something I can perhaps restore myself .
25 I , I just have er I just have to drink a lot that 's you know put me in first class and full of drink
26 Time is precious to all of us so it is worth ‘ wasting ’ a little to avoid wasting a lot .
27 Time is precious to all of us so it is worth ‘ wasting ’ a little to avoid wasting a lot .
28 Gould still intended to do a lot of collecting on the Yarrundi-side of the Liverpool Range , but the main focus of his efforts was to be across the mountains , on the remote plains around the Namoi and Mokai rivers , an area of the interior that few settlers had yet penetrated .
29 And that 's something which you have n't like got to do a lot of recording for You have n't got test conditions you 've got to think of some questions and photocopy it .
30 They always seem to do a lot just here
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