Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the problem faced by the United Nations in recent decades has been entanglement in east-west confrontation and that at this stage of its development it does not need to embark on an extremely controversial and difficult period of structural reform but should make greater use not only of the United Nations charter but of the existing United Nations machinery ?
2 So , paradoxically , private enterprise in its most unrestricted and anarchic period tended to fall back on the only available models of large-scale management , the military and bureaucratic .
3 They have had to learn to live with one another , to adjust , to get used to each other 's habits , hobbies , friends and relations — the most crucial and critical period for every newly married couple — but they have had to do it all under the full glare of the media .
4 There 's one other aspect , I think , of this period , this immensely important and fertile period in Russell 's life , which is worth emphasis .
5 I intend to have a thoroughly enjoyable and lengthy period without paid work .
6 In the kitchens below , the other group of devotees , those addicted to cuisine and at the moment wondering why , were entering the most vital and concentrated period of Auguste 's schedule .
7 They are the tombs of provincial governors , dating roughly from 2000 to 1800 BC , a relatively quiet and prosperous period during the Middle Kingdom .
8 This is a tremendously creative and self-expressive period of the year , although it would be foolish to expect an easy ride .
9 The period between 1939 to 1949 has been called the most productive and significant period in Canadian letters to date , which matches the ‘ 10 Lost Years ’ of the post-Depression period exactly .
10 The late 1950s to the 1970s saw a very interesting and rewarding period of development in the carriage of beer and is amply recorded in the book , covering not only the Whitbread vehicles , but also many examples of vehicles operated by other companies within the Group .
11 In spite of inflation , Americans were enjoying the beginnings of a very real and lasting period of prosperity .
12 In 1854 , three years into that very pompous and sybaritic period of French history known as the Second Empire , Emperor and Empress established Biarritz as a fashionable place to go by their own well-publicized visits there .
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