Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] on board [art] " in BNC.

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1 She reckoned that she could only take on board a limited number of surprises in any given period , and her quota for the year had just been reached .
2 Nonetheless , the right of control conveyed to the consignee-bank in the ‘ no disp ’ clause ordinarily allowed the bank 's stoppage in transit , withdrawal of the goods at the departure pier , unloading of the goods already placed on board the vessel , warehousing or re-routing of these goods , including the right to deliver the goods to another consignee .
3 The MP attended the march-past , lunch and fly-past but was not invited on board the Royal Yacht or to the memorial service .
4 Despite all this , and very probably contributing to it , schools had very largely not taken on board the issue of homosexuality , and 60 per cent of the sample said it had never been mentioned at all .
5 Either the imaginary has been ignored altogether , in which case Irigaray is mistakenly described as a biological essentialist ( Sayers , 1982 , p. 131 ; 1986 , pp. 42–8 ) , or else it has been interpreted as purely and simply a Lacanian concept , in which case the conclusion is that Irigaray has misunderstood or misread Lacan , and has not taken on board the implications of his theory ( see Mitchell and Rose , 1982 , pp. 54 6 ; Rose , 1985 , pp. 136 , 140 ; Ragland-Sullivan , 1986 , pp. 273–80 ) .
6 This is borne out by the court 's judgment in Lopes da Veiga v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie ( Case 9/88 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 2989 , from which it appears that in order for a national of a member state who is permanently employed on board a ship flying the flag of another member state to have the status of a worker/national of a member state who is employed in the territory of another member state , the relationship of employment must exhibit a sufficiently close link with that territory .
7 Richard , back from work after a tiresome day , stopped on the Embankment to look , and remembered that he had once gone on board the Waalhaven for a drink when she put in at Orfordness .
8 A proposed Interior Department regulation , to go into effect shortly after the presidential election , effectively takes on board the recent court rulings , and provides for compensation payments to all coal owners affected .
9 They are then chased by both the helicopter and small high-speed boats which are also carried on board the seiner .
10 The production also takes on board the point Anne Barton makes in the programme that Shakespeare , following Livy , sees Coriolanus as a threat to the balance of the state .
11 Er in fact the discussion on Friday was re tied back to the criterion in the County Council 's er policy which says , be capable of being assimilated satisfactorily into the local landscape which in the course of the discussion , was erm extended to also take on board the possibility that it could be located where it may produce environmental improvements on the use of derelict land .
12 Liz Carruthers 's inventive direction makes full use of this exciting space , while also taking on board an eclectic mix of theatrical styles , notably miming and human sound effects of the Whose Line is it Anyway variety , entirely appropriate here to McKay 's comic style .
13 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
14 I would be pleased if you could now take on board the extension of formal smoking at work restrictions as applied at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers to apply to Chesser House and for this to be formally agreed by the Council .
15 ‘ Reducing car tax is not really taking on board the long term interests , ’ he said .
16 you ca n't take on board a new commitment like that without shedding something
17 On one occasion he was about to go on board a ship that had just anchored when unforeseen business detained him .
18 It is not uncommon for goods to be carried by road from a European destination through several countries to a port , where they were then loaded on board a ship , taken to another continent and again despatched by road to their final destination .
19 The Vimy was dismantled on May 4 , 1919 and shipped to Newfoundland on May 8 , 1919 , safely installed on board the SS Glendoven along with the majority of the Vickers technical crew .
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