Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pron] believe [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Only if one believes that the prospect of privatization is the only way to improve management performance in nationalized industries can one attribute the benefit to privatization itself .
2 Your laughter can be unrestrained only if you believe that nobody is getting hurt .
3 It the statement is taken in this way , a hearer should assent to it only if he believes that I have the belief .
4 So if you believe that share prices look dangerously high after three or four years , you can decide to lock in to the rate you have picked .
5 So if you believe that you are suffering from one of these conditions , you must exercise and stretch as shown in the article .
6 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
7 ‘ The President wants to go out , talk directly to the American people and explain to them how these things work together because he believes that they 're ready to hear the truth , ’ said the White House press secretary , Dee Dee Myers .
8 People litigate such cases ( which is both risky and expensive ) only because they believe that if they succeed in persuading some judge that a new rule would be in the public interest , that new rule will be applied retrospectively in their own favour .
9 Common sense suggests that a person who submits to an act only because he believes that otherwise he will be over-powered and have it done to him anyway does not consent in law , even though the force necessary to overpower him will be small and non-injurious . ’
10 By and large , those who approved of conscription when it came did so because they believed that it was everyone 's duty to serve in the armed forces in any case .
11 In this sense one is neutral only if one can affect the fortunes of the parties and if one helps or hinders them to an equal degree and one does so because one believes that there are reasons for so acting which essentially depend on the fact that the action has an equal effect on the fortunes of the parties .
12 In analysing this argument , Hirschi ( 1973 , p. 171 ) concludes that ‘ Sociology will suffer … so long as we believe that our assumptions guarantee truth , while their assumptions guarantee error , whatever the facts may be ’ .
13 The ITC made the determination and it would be inappropriate for me to comment upon the matter , especially as I believe that it is now sub judice , because the company has applied for judicial review .
14 It helps explain what they believe in when they believe that a person has authority .
15 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
16 Treatment Centres take the sufferers through the first five steps of the recovery programme in as many weeks in order to lessen their dread in anticipation in the future and not because they believe that it is really possible to recover at that speed .
17 I ask this not because I believe that he does n't care passionately about Mahler 's music — you only have to hear the vocal exhortations with which he galvanises the Boston players at the most intense moments in the score to realise this .
18 Is it not because he believes that 2.5 million unemployed is ’ a price worth paying ’ ?
19 Just as I believe that the taking stock initiative improves the quality of government at national level so I believe that moving to single-tier all-purpose authorities will improve it at local level .
20 Speaking of the activities of elementary particle physicists , he writes that whereas the activity appears essential as long as we believe in the independent existence of fundamental laws that we can still hope to know better , it loses practically its whole motivation as soon as we believe that the sole objective of the scientists is to make their impressions mutually consistent .
21 As paragraph 16.1 of Code C makes clear , the police officer is obliged to charge a suspect as soon as he believes that there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution to succeed , but nobody could expect the police simply to cease work on the case and rely at the trial only on the material revealed up to the moment of charging .
22 These views depend on political values and preferences which we are not going to explore here , but clearly if you believe that society as a whole will gain by children from all income groups being educated together , or children from a local community or religious group being educated together , you will prefer a system of finance that favours such provision .
23 We have given it up , partly because we can not afford all the exercise tests and partly because we believe that once you know the patient has got ischaemic heart disease , which he has by definition if he has had an infarct , that the exercise test on a beta blocker is as useful prognostically .
24 I hope it will be agreed that those who think that the tax law is justified do so partly because they believe that there is in the circumstances imagined a reason voluntarily to contribute a sum which is equivalent to a just tax .
25 She was chairman of the British section for ten years but left , partly because she believed that the League 's pacifism was unrealistic .
26 Instead of teleology , however , Epicurus advocated the existence of chance and free will , partly because , like Aristotle , he argued that you can not blame or punish a man for something he can not help doing , but also because he believed that there is a kind of spontaneity in men ( and possibly in animals ) that is manifested in our apparent freedom , to originate actions .
27 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
28 I have tried to do that year in , year out because I believe that in environmental terms — if in no others — keeping people , their sheep and their cattle in the hillsides is essential if the hillsides are to be kept as they should be .
29 But she has no intention of changing course now as she believes that , run as separate entities , the shops remain manageable and provide a strong incentive to succeed for the franchisees .
30 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
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