Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun] later the " in BNC.

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1 Yet only twenty years later the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield was the focus of the attention of around twenty million viewers as Steve Davis was defeated on the final ball of the final frame by Dennis Taylor , who became the world champion in what The Times ( won over to ‘ popular culture ’ under its antipodean ownership ) declared to be a ‘ heart-stopping ’ match .
2 By 12 June the authorities felt confident enough to ban all demonstrations , yet only four days later the students , still fighting , battled with the police around the Sorbonne .
3 ( 1 ) As he was obliged to do , the charging officer ( at a time when the Director was already interesting herself in the matter ) had told the applicant that he was not obliged to say anything ; yet only two weeks later the Serious Fraud Office was warning the applicant that he was going to be interviewed under compulsory powers ; and it was not much longer still before the office formally put him on notice that he would be asked questions which he would be compelled to answer on pain of punishment .
4 Only seven years later the pope recovered this stone in the new tiara presented to him to make him look the part while anointing Napoleon as self-crowned Emperor .
5 Just 30 minutes later the westerly switched itself off — just like that , as the man said — and we had to motor sail for the rest of the voyage .
6 The Suffolk side had the perfect start , as the impressive Fry waltzed through the visitors ' defence to settle any early nerves and just six minutes later the title was effectively Tuddenham Road bound .
7 It hardly seems likely that the Government was jolted into action by the Northamptonshire Society 's letter , but nevertheless three days later the House of Commons ordered that a Select Committee ‘ be appointed to consider and report upon the Re-construction of the Foreign Office in relation to the future Rebuilding of other Offices on a uniform Plan , due regard being had to Public Convenience and Economy ’ .
8 And just five minutes later the Germans booked their third-round place with a strike by Michael Zorc .
9 This provoked fierce opposition on the part of the Magistrates ' Association , however , which viewed it as an unwarranted attack on the independence of magistrates , and just five years later the measure was repealed as a result .
10 But just two drinks later the fun dried up .
11 Nearly 50 years later the language has altered but the substance looks strikingly familiar .
12 Nearly two months later the patient complained of itching and cholestasis was diagnosed .
13 Nearly two weeks later the police admitted that this was not sufficient reason for refusing bail .
14 About 500 years later the Romans also favoured this site and built a villa here .
15 Unfortunately the new machines were not sufficiently reliable , and about ten years later the mill ceased production .
16 We got rid of all the rubbish , put it in and started packing and erm about five minutes later the man from next door came out .
17 He organised a meeting of some of the more militant people who had attended the NICRA meeting and about two months later the DHAC was launched .
18 About two weeks later the moult to L4 takes place , further migration then occurs in the liver and , by 6-8 weeks post-infection , larvae can be found subperitoneally around the hepatorenal ligament .
19 We were surprised to see this fantastic marble everywhere — on the table tops , on the benches , on the counters — but when we went back there three years later the place was a total mess .
20 Almost seventy years later the English envoy to Savoy was shipwrecked off the coast of Sardinia and very nearly drowned , with the loss of all his papers and equipage .
21 Perspective conjoined — obscure dimensions amalgamated , over forty hours later the ‘ collage ’ or is it a ‘ montage ’ , becomes a single unit .
22 Of course barely three years later the company rescinded and donated the land to the town .
23 ‘ Alice Muir , ’ he writes , ‘ was a homeopathist and in 1878 treated old Mrs McNeil at the Boathouse in Brodick so successfully that two years later the latter presented her with an engraved tumbler glass . ’
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