Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] a lot " in BNC.

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1 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
2 Still waiting for a lot of the reports to come in , but we did have one winner on Guess the Scores this afternoon .
3 Gracious me it 's ten to two now yakking on a lot today er Beverley Craven this is and er Love Scenes we 'll get er chunk three of Nottinghamshire 's Big Bang on before two .
4 According to Alan Leslie , assistant director of GUARD , business has not been affected by the recession : ‘ We are working on contracts from Shetland to Galloway and the Borders and although business from the construction sector has eased off , we are still successfully tendering for a lot of work in the maintenance and upgrading of sewerage , gas , water and roads facilities . ’
5 We have an uncompromising attitude sadly lacking in a lot of what 's coming out at the moment , which is partly to do with not being 18 or 19-year-olds who were really into something that happened fairly recently , whose major motivation is to try and copy that somehow .
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