Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] at [det] stage " in BNC.

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1 As indicated at the beginning of this article sales must not only be paid for by the buyer but the funds must be received quickly by the exporter and the banks are very much involved at this stage through : —
2 Since the current project is more concerned with the reliability of the measurement of area by an optical RAM , card measurement data was supplied to BMDP and the growth of plants with time was not considered at this stage .
3 It is best done at this stage to avoid unnecessary disturbance later on .
4 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
5 The FI and RI categories represented the largest proportion of information needs within the EPH , and specific question lists of the other categories were not prepared at this stage .
6 Such a firm commitment was not sought at this stage .
7 Medical advice is generally sought at some stage , but the action taken by general practitioners still seems to be suboptimal and shows considerable geographical variation .
8 At this stage suffice it to say that the naive , unreconstructed quantity theory of money is normally introduced at this stage ‘ purely for the purposes of exposition ’ .
9 Other parents do their best to frighten the life out of those who have not arrived at this stage , with doom-laden tales of trouble and strife .
10 We would be happy to provide such assistance ; however I have not included it in my fee indication since in our experience , time at this stage is very much dependent upon the skill of your lawyer and the complexity of the issues , which are not known at this stage .
11 er the building er effectively would have only just commenced at that stage
12 Motion is still restricted at this stage , but as the temperature increases further a larger number of chains begin to move with greater freedom .
13 Finds that are fragile or should not be washed for any other reason ( such as metalwork ) are also sorted at this stage .
14 Multi-stage sampling surveys of this kind are most effective when the sampling units are carefully stratified at each stage .
15 The next most significant bit ( bit 1 ) is also set at this stage and these two bits of the accumulator are then written to the PIA lines used as the direction and clock start/stop signals .
16 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
17 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
18 I recall some years ago that a young postgraduate student who was designing a schedule containing a lot of attitude questions had his schedule internally tested at this stage by a number of people and practically every question he had put was a double one .
19 The chunks of marc are often transferred at this stage to a séchoir- a smaller , deeper , vertical press — or to a horizontal press to be squeezed out .
20 As a safeguard , they recommended that a magistrates ' court should be required to sanction any detention after twenty-four hours and that the suspect should be legally represented at this stage , so that his or her point of view could be put across .
21 A mistake frequently made at this stage is to define the entities to reflect the processes of the business , such as stock control , credit control or sales order processing .
22 It will probably not go unnoticed if you appear well organized at this stage , and it will certainly help you to appear at the right place and at the right time looking calm and unruffled .
23 Games , simulation and competition environments could be well employed at this stage .
24 Errors which are frequently encountered at this stage arise because :
25 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
26 If we call the complex of scientific theories generally accepted and well established at some stage in the history of science the background knowledge of the time , then we can say that a conjecture will be bold if its claims are unlikely in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
27 ‘ I would n't rule out the need for some extra cash for the service between now and the end of the financial year , although we have n't quite arrived at that stage yet . ’
28 This will help as part of the socialization process , but do bear in mind that you will not be able to allow it to scamper about at the end of the journey until you return home , because it will not be fully protected at this stage .
29 This chapter can only give a broad outline of BM and further reading is certainly justified at this stage .
30 Yet everyone may come into contact with the mentally handicapped at some stage in their lives ; indeed any one of us may be accidentally brain damaged .
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