Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 In France , where a new class of naval engineers concerned with the building and repair of ships was created in 1765 , shipbuilding was perhaps carried to a higher pitch of perfection than anywhere else in Europe .
2 While the glucose dependent insulin release was reduced by treatment with 5 and 10 mg/kg cyclosporin A for eight days , the cholecystokinin-8 stimulated amylase secretion was only impaired at the higher dose of 10 mg/kg cyclosporin A. Insulin promotes the synthesis of amylase by a direct effect on exocrine pancreatic cells via the insuloacinar axis .
3 However , the Revenue will continue to apply its existing practice until the case is finally decided in the higher courts .
4 2 If a Bill of Rights is somehow entrenched as a higher law , then all ordinary legislation will need to be checked against that law .
5 But it is a common and easily observed fact that measures of aggregate output in any economy tend to be positively serially correlated ; that is , a higher than average value for aggregate output in any period is more often than not followed by a higher than average value next period and , similarly , a low value in any period is more likely to be followed by another low one than by a high one .
6 Again , this strand is not continued into the higher levels because further development of this ability would move into areas such as acting and public speaking , which are not appropriately assessed within a reading component .
7 So he headed off demands for a capital levy , knowing it to be unacceptable to his party , but Britain nevertheless paid for a higher proportion of the costs of the war from taxation than the other combatants ; he was also able to launch the Victory Loan of 1917 at an interest rate of only 5 per cent , having a surer sense of the patriotism of potential subscribers than did the Treasury .
8 In their view , the District was meeting the criteria set out in Ashby 's Recommendation 6 and in the 1955 regulations quite admirably : was it not entitled to a higher proportion of grant-aid than those whose standards were poorer , whose students ' fees were lower and who were meeting the needs of their areas less successfully in relation to other providing bodies ?
9 This variation in performance is further reflected by the higher standard deviation of the specific dictionaries .
10 They are usually endowed with a higher status , in some degree , as a matter of law , than other legal rules in the system of government .
11 Unemployment among other household members is also associated with a higher probability of unemployment among young people ( Payne , 1987 ) .
12 Worries now shifted to the higher prices and to what became known as the ‘ recycling problem ’ .
13 Doubts concerning American policy in any case were often offset by a higher regard for the Americans as a people .
14 We suggest that if there is a rise , which we have not seen , it is far outweighed by the higher consumption of both alcohol and tobacco north of the border .
15 There is also evidence that , contrary to findings in volunteers , activated charcoal will increase the elimination of salicylates , possibly because drug metabolising enzyme systems are fully saturated at the higher plasma concentrations attained in cases of acute poisoning .
16 Earnings have consistently risen at a higher rate than prices , widening the gulf between the incomes of working people with average wages , and those dependent on state benefits .
17 Births were to be encouraged among the genetically superior ( crudely equated with the higher social classes ) , and reproduction prevented among the genetically inferior ( the working class ) .
18 Although the general principles underlying the decision have several times been endorsed by the superior courts , the decision itself has never been the subject of a direct challenge , and its implications have not been fully confronted by the higher courts .
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