Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] is [adv] likely " in BNC.

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1 Like " freedom " , " equality " , " justice " , " human rights ' , and so forth , " democracy " is a term which , whatever its precise meaning , will always signify for many a cherished political principle or Ideal , and for that reason alone it is never likely to achieve a single agreed meaning .
2 Neither optical nor radio signals have been detected from the companion , and so it is also likely to be a compact star .
3 Erm , in fact Ted Hughes I think has largely lived in the countryside so it is quite likely that his house in which he sets this poem is in the countryside .
4 If all the ships sail separately it is more likely that at least one ship will stray into the field of view of a submarine than if the ships sail in a tight convoy ; a convoy may slip by without being detected .
5 Now it is quite likely that there are two alternative pathways for arriving at that same end-product , each needing six different enzymes , and with nothing to choose between the two of them .
6 Now he is more likely to ask for a body spray or shower gel .
7 Nowadays she is more likely to drive to a favourite beach on the south coast so that she can enjoy the wind in her hair and the tang of the sea breeze on her face .
8 Today it is more likely to carry honeymooning couples to Venice , but it still retains the reputation as the ultimate in stylish travel .
9 The same kind of point is illustrated by ( 19 ) , except here it is more likely that it is the notion of full luminescence which is explained in the more familiar terms given in the reformulation : In these examples , the speaker 's aim in reformulating an utterance is to enrich the hearer 's encyclopedic entries in order to ensure a greater understanding of the surrounding discourse or text .
10 The convention you follow may be a matter of personal choice but nowadays it is more likely to he a matter of company house-style .
11 If she is staying in a comfortable hotel , has a caddie to look after her needs at the golf course and can travel on the packages arranged by the Tour 's travel operators , then she is more likely to be able to devote her full concentration on her golf .
12 Correspondingly the material should be structured in terms of how it is most likely to be used .
13 Unfortunately it is very likely that among the men and women best qualified by talent , temperament and experience to become MPs many would be put off by the conditions imposed by the STV on the winning and the retention of a seat .
14 If we are not to infer from Anderson 's breach of Grice 's Co-operative Principle that he is deliberately being rude ( unlikely , when McKendrick is a complete stranger to him ) then it is most likely to be seen as evidence of his vagueness or , less favourably , his self-centredness .
15 If a proper level of justice is provided in prisons , then it is less likely that prisoners will behave in this way .
16 Certainly , if one were to divide the primary school day up into " skills and frills " sections , as it often is by teachers and others , then it is highly likely that project work would come in the " frills " section .
17 If a lavatory seat is to be responsible then it is more likely to be the male who suffers .
18 However , if the crisis has been particularly sharp and the depression of sufficient duration then it is more likely that the total of will increase sufficiently to push up the price of consumer goods .
19 BELOW Once the young dog has grown in confidence then it is more likely to try to pull ahead , as shown here .
20 If class membership is transmitted across generations ( that is , if there is little social mobility ) then it is more likely that these classes will become distinct social entities , differing in many ways in their social characteristics .
21 If one word is incorrect then it is more likely that the surrounding words are also incorrect , possibly due to incorrect word segmentation .
22 If your material consists of pure text ; a book or report , for example , then it is quite likely that you 'll be better off with a high-powered word processor such as Word 3 , MacAuthor or even a typesetting system like JustText , TeXtures or Page One .
23 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
24 However it is also likely that many ‘ wifely ’ tasks such as teamaking and the bosses ' shopping disappear , and that typists gain some protection from sexual harassment as they increasingly become machine operators , tied to work stations .
25 If trust does not occur , however , that is when it is most likely to do so .
26 Paradoxically it is the pressure created by the enormous guilt , and by the doomed attempt to deal with it , that builds tension to the point where it is more likely to explode into real physical abuse .
27 It is important that if this staff member should leave , his departure should be anticipated as early as possible and the patient helped to accept it , otherwise it is very likely to provoke another crisis and further admission .
28 Otherwise it is very likely he would always hesitate or stumble when he would have to use these words in the course of a conversation .
29 It is coming from a region where the mean velocity is smaller and it is thus likely to be moving downstream more slowly than its new environment ; i.e. it is more likely to have negative u than positive .
30 With procedures that are only used occasionally it is less likely to be successful and the trained group may even forget their training .
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