Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] 'd [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway after about a week , all men as been worked in the pits , By the way I 'd been down I 'd been to the .
2 " Can you estimate how long he 'd been in the water ? "
3 I thought perhaps he 'd been to you and sort of were you interested and he he 'd come back .
4 So he 'd been to the doctors about few weeks ago and he 'd been repairing his shed , said there was water coming in and he went to he said oh you 've pulled a ligament or something he said , it 'll take weeks for it to clear up but anyhow he went back again about a fortnight ago .
5 But he has got the sort of acidy sort of alcohol smell on his breath just like you 'd been on spirits all night or whatever , any sort of you know , wine and it 's not a beer sort of smell .
6 Only two weeks later she 'd been on her way to Little Kirkton .
7 A long time ago , she 'd learned just how dear she 'd been to Ewan Famber : an experiment .
8 So that created a problem and we then found that a number of people were leaving Brothers to seek their fortunes elsewhere because the work that they liked to work on and you know traditionally they 'd been on it for years , er was no longer there and er subsequently there was a slip in the numbers employed .
9 Well I 'd been on the Menai Suspension Bridge before .
10 I 'd been , a few weeks ago I 'd been to a wedding , and it was the most boring
11 Sergei 's bed had n't been slept in , and presumably he 'd been to bed with Masha .
12 Maxim looked at the clutter of parts in front of him and realised how right he 'd been in saying soldiers hate to throw away guns , even cheap Spanish ones .
13 And I wished then I 'd been on the farm , I might tell you !
14 Yes , I know , yes but I mean it 's interesting at lunch time I had a , I had a working lunch with someone and a month after we had finished all the work and stuff , we got on to a whole pile of other things and , and I was talking about some of the -ists and one of the -ists I was talking about was feminism and how I 'd been in an amazing meeting a few weeks ago where you know I used that word and the women , it was all a meeting with women , the women there had absolutely freaked at the use of the word feminism and feminists .
15 Unfortunately he 'd been beyond reason , and after hearing in detail from Paul what a fiasco the whole performance had been she was n't surprised .
16 I remember at the time Wilko saying how he though Kerslake was an excellent buy , and how he 'd been after him for a long time .
17 He spent money that he had n't got and twice he 'd been in a duel .
18 The water smelled dankly of mud and winter , which I had n't seemed to notice when I 'd been in it .
19 ‘ I brought in the Readers ' Digests , ’ she muttered , unable to apply the brakes when she 'd been on such a powerful roll .
20 She remembered things from when she 'd been to school before .
21 I could n't think where you 'd been to .
22 Yet they 'd been to Spain , Italy and Greece time after time , and surely it would have been natural for Isabelle to want to show off the country of her birth .
23 They came up to view Heidi 's riding display then I went back with them and Vicki and Malcolm diverted from Barford on the Sunday where they 'd been for lunch and picked me up Sunday afternoon the sort of following weekend .
24 " I made that excuse for him last year when he 'd been with us six months .
25 Naylor Massingham had not been the easiest of people to deal with when he 'd been in her home ; how would she fare now that she was , so to speak , on his territory ?
26 I was reading somewhere this morning where he 'd been with eight clubs in one season .
27 Erm the other thing that , that I could n't quite hear but I thought when you were asking him about where he 'd been with the navy , I thought he said to the Far East unfortunately .
28 And he did n't have to explain where he 'd been to a wife who has different ideas of a swinging time .
29 She used to wonder where he 'd been in the meantime , but not any more .
30 So that was why he 'd been in the club so often over the past few weeks — he 'd been checking out the lie of the land , assessing the place as a possible investment .
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