Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] round the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was a young boy there with his cows at the time , and he told Kalchu that he had watched the bull and it had walked slowly right round the circumference of the Kālādika , before lying down where Kalchu had found it .
2 They swam slowly together round the boat .
3 Then apply heat with a blowlamp , playing the flame gently all round the fitting and adjacent pipe — use a protective mat if working near wooden floorboards which could catch fire .
4 People fell down all round the circle .
5 Dive number two that day was to 17 metres for 23 minutes , resulting in a tissue loading on the bar graph only halfway round the no decom zone .
6 So just round the school .
7 So , as far as I can work it out , they found it was cool to go round to Wally 's and hang out , particularly as the school was only just round the corner from his place So they 'd sit there doing very little and getting bored .
8 There was a keen nip in the air , winter only just round the corner Maggie thought .
9 I 'll call round and see her … it 's only just round the corner .
10 And it makes it easier for the slash-and-burn cultivators to get in rather than sort of coming in gradually round the edges , there are now great swathes cut through tropical rainforest at Amazonia certainly , and the Trans-Scabon railway is about to be put through which again will make it easier for the sort of to come in , and I think that should be bourn in mind .
11 It 's only once round the track is n't it ?
12 It was at this point that Venturous took over the job completely and we holed up discreetly just round the corner in Helford River to await news of the suspect 's departure , to be signalled to us by our Investigation colleagues ashore .
13 The implicature , derived from the assumption that speaker B is adhering to the Cooperative Principle , is that the garage is not only round the corner , but also will be open and selling petrol .
14 At Aberdeen Journals the restaurant is open virtually round the clock , catering for the staff at Aberdeen 's two newspapers and Press and Journal and the Evening Express .
15 When he had finished piling the boxes up , Charles looked once more round the room and his eyes lighted on the very thing he needed at that moment — a torch .
16 He turned round , then turned back , looked once more round the room , then shook his head quickly and went to the door , taking his stick from the corner by the washing machine on his way out .
17 Over the past years we 've made well over 1000 grants to organisations all over the UK , some probably just round the corner from you .
18 She knew , from reading and from subjection to the media , that she was not alone in her distress : the world was full of nutty housewives , many of them probably just round the corner , since she lived in a district famed countrywide for feminism and madness .
19 These fall back to earth as soft , squishy pancakes which pile up closely round the vent , soon enclosing it in a kind of chimney or hornito .
20 The typical Tuscan church of the region has exterior arcading and open galleries over its façades , often all round the building .
21 Second , if a traveller goes eastwards halfway round the Earth he will have passed through 12 time zones and gained 12 hours with respect to GMT ; he will meet another traveller who has travelled westward and so is 12 time zones ( 12 hours ) behind GMT .
22 She beat on the tree with her fists , she threw her arms as far round the tree as they would reach and then , despite the relentless rain , the saturated ground and the penetrating cold , she fell on her knees at its foot , unable to muster the will to walk on .
23 Use the extra time to go for a walk around the block , or even just round the building .
24 " How far round the edge … ? " questions also produced higher success rates than those with the word " perimeter " in the wording .
25 you 'd carry them quite safely round the corner or whatever you want , but I .
26 We disturbed a huge sea-eagle eating something on the shore , and it flapped heavily away round the headland .
27 The snake caught him again savagely round the legs with its jaws , but he managed to tear himself away and keep running until he finally passed out from shock and blood-loss .
28 Like the human head , features disappear very quickly round the corner .
29 Go too fast round the curves . ’
30 Missing , he swung his pony round in pursuit , and when it did n't turn quickly enough , clouted it very hard round the head with his stick .
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