Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [be] [adj] to see " in BNC.

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1 You 're resilient and intelligent enough to be able to see it for what it was .
2 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
3 Today we are moving towards more equal and mutual ways of arranging our lives , but it is still too soon to be able to see clearly how this may change our ideas of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ .
4 For Israel 's way to be hidden Yahweh could mean that God can not see Israel 's way , or will not see Israel 's way , or has caused Israel not to be able to see its own way .
5 When the teacher inhibits the child from pointing and pretends not to be able to see the picture , the child understands that the communicative situation has changed , that she can no longer rely on the shared visual context and she makes her reference explicit ( the teddy ) , locates him verbally rather than by pointing to him ( on the chair ) and makes explicit how the second picture differs from the first ( there ai n't no teddy ) .
6 It will probably be a good thing , depending finally on your own particular temperament , not to be able to see too much of the immediate future for your heroine .
7 It would be typical of her young sister not to be able to see anyone else 's point of view .
8 I would imagine , in my mind , that something 's gon na happen to my sisters for her not to be able to see it .
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