Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [be] recognised [prep] " in BNC.

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1 … they meant well — they felt kindly towards him , and acknowledged his provocations ; but they fell into the too common error of supposing that the finer feelings , which induce a man to prefer death to dishonour , are only to be recognised among the higher classes ; and that , because circumstances may have placed a man before the mast , he will undergo punishment , however severe , however degrading … in preference to death .
2 This first major work of his ( 1928 ) came swiftly to be recognised as a masterpiece here and abroad and secured for Keeton an early Cambridge LLD .
3 How many more Roman engineering schemes are there still to be recognised in the landscape ?
4 This attitude is clear in a letter written by his old friend Benjamin Jowett shortly after his death : ‘ Henry Smith seems now to be recognised as the greatest English mathematician of the century .
5 Services there are wider , with brain injuries about to be recognised in law .
6 Age discrimination — which was not new but was worsening because of the current economic recession — existed in all EC countries , but had yet to be recognised as a problem , the report said .
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