Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the short [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The last I heard Trish was going to become a teacher , I mean I I we are supposed to be trying to think about whether we can have a sh a panel that we of people that we can call on for the short term crisis appointments or whatever , but
2 All through the short plane journey she 'd been imagining what it would be like to meet Rune again socially .
3 There was at the time of reorganization a considerable expansion of advisory services to meet the desire for increased curriculum coherence and the staff appointed were to take on much of the short course organization and guidance to schools for school focused INSET .
4 As Sharapour fell back it seemed for a moment as if he would get in the way of Mill Reef on the rails , but Lewis was alert to the perils of getting boxed in up the short Longchamp straight and pulled Mill Reef out to begin his challenge .
5 The basic cutting is a whole leaf , together with the short section of stem to which it is attached and the bud at its base .
6 While stressing that economic growth and helping the poor were not contradictory objectives , the report recognized that its strategy could entail " a trade-off , especially in the short run , between the interests of the poor and the non-poor " .
7 Yes , I think whenever one makes judgment about therapy being better or worse you have to say er on what criteria and there are certainly certain criteria on which group therapy would do better for certain problems like us making feel people feel better if they had a symptom or problem which erm make them feel worse because , because they felt isolated from the community , so it means other people who have got the same problem makes you feel better erm and er certainly suggestion therapy can produce dramatic results especially in the short run .
8 Forming the intention to adopt beliefs only when they correspond to reality postpones the settlement of belief : we are forced to adopt rules which , while they are guaranteed to reveal reality to us in the long run , are not guaranteed to do so in the short run .
9 But whereas the long version refers only to the words in Lamentations 1:12 ( O all ye that pass by the way , attend , and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow ) , the short version incorporates all the references to focus more sharply on the organic relationship between man and Christ whose natural growth is blasted by sin : And only in the short version does the meditator acknowledge this by identifying himself with the penitent thief pleading for pardon to be extended to him , and confessing his failure to acknowledge Christ as the true source of his integrity : In both versions the meditator admits that the very ability to recognise the life-giving power in Christ is a sign that he in fact has the love of God even if he does not feel it : And in both , as the meditator sees his betrayal and sense of deprivation borne by Christ in His words : " My god , my dere god , why hastow al forsakyn me … ( 89. cf.102 ) he imagines himself lying down among the bones of dead men on mount Calvary , taking the foot of the Cross in his arms , the stench of death in his nostrils .
10 THE grandfather continues : ‘ I think only in the short term .
11 As noted in the previous discussion , there are reasons to suppose that the difficulties of underdeveloped regions , peripheral regions and declining industries are likely to worsen , if only in the short term , as the many structural adjustments outlined above are induced by the creation of the SEM .
12 His eyes met Rosten 's , bright with gratitude , then looked down at the short sword .
13 Not so at the short story length , where humour can be used more gainfully to put over the perhaps dull facts needed to lay out a situation leading to an ingenious switch-over ending .
14 Nevertheless the national curriculum in maths , science and English was introduced in 1989 and the teachers have complained bitterly of the short time available for training and of the meagre resources devoted to it — £47.5 million for training in content and £33.1 million for preparing teachers for the new tests and assessment .
15 One does not get a sense of a strong need for support from parents to children to be reciprocated — certainly not in the short term , and possibly not in the long term either .
16 not in the short term .
17 Not in the short term .
18 Even royal uncles traditionally drew the line at that , something which explains why Gloucester 's action seemed so shocking to contemporaries and , perhaps , why he got away with it so easily in the short term .
19 Even royal uncles traditionally drew the line at that , something which explains why Gloucester 's action seemed so shocking to contemporaries and , perhaps , why he got away with it so easily in the short term .
20 Monetarists also recognize that the demand for money can shift unpredictably in the short run with changing expectations of prices , interest rates and exchange rates .
21 Cleo took a single step backwards down the short flight of steps that led to the door .
22 There was an hour of cleaning and a change of crew before we finally lifted off for the short leg down to Abu Dhabi .
23 Next day it was up early for the short trip to EuroDisney .
24 You scoff at me and my ‘ one ’ man friend , you who have so many , but dear girl I have learnt more in the short time of my friendship with Edward , more of the world , of men as distinct from women , and man as an individual than in all my life I have learnt before .
25 Whatever the impact of the Gulf , America 's deteriorating economy suggests that the dollar could fall further in the short run .
26 He did not raise his head as she came into the room , and not once in the short interview which followed did he look at her .
27 The philosophy is devastatingly simple , Charlton recognising that he can not hope to improve players technically in the short time available to him before matches .
28 For over Rosemary 's shoulder she saw at once beyond the short width of the hall and into the sitting-room — and Rosemary was doing some entertaining herself .
29 So and our company tends to look at things more on the short term .
30 Frejji trundled off to get suited up for the short jump to her shuttle , while I walked very slowly to my cabin in search of medication .
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