Example sentences of "[pron] prepare for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is considerable ( ? deliberate ) confusion about the figures , but it seems that general practice and community services will receive about 4% extra revenue next year to help them prepare for the extra workload .
2 The centre , which cost nearly £1.5 million to build , offers people with learning difficulties the chance to learn skills which can help them prepare for an independent life in the community .
3 At a meeting of the party 's national executive committee which prepared for a radical shake-up in Labour 's constitution , Mr Smith backed the sweeping away of union involvement in choosing the leader and MPs .
4 As we prepare for a new week 's challenges , may we too be contented , for the same reason as Paul , because our relationship with God is one of close fellowship ‘ in ’ Him .
5 We prepare for the worst-case slope and then are agreeably surprised when disaster takes longer to come than expected .
6 The society claims that there are ‘ cosmic masters ’ in the universe and that they have come ‘ to give priceless teachings to man to help him prepare for the New World and to bring a great millennium of peace ’ .
7 ALISON Hargreaves and her children put in some low-altitude training in Scotland yesterday as they prepared for the high life of the Himalayas .
8 Officials from the leading Ulster team have voiced their opinion in the past that there should be some of form seeding for the preliminary round , and now it has raised its head again as they prepare for a long trip south on November 6 .
9 His collected resolve in front of his officers is assuring his troops ' confidence in his controlled capacity to lead them as they prepare for an impending battle .
10 Gabellah speaks confidently of the faith and unanimity of his men as they prepare for the constitutional talks .
11 Yesterday , as he prepared for a new TV series starting on Sunday , Sir David said he was ‘ truly blessed ’ with an honour .
12 Hankin could bring in another new face as he prepares for the 15-match survival fight .
13 Sheffield Wednesday 's John Harkes is one of five players with European clubs wanted by United States coach Bora Milutinovic as he prepares for the friendly match against Ireland in Dublin on April 29 .
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