Example sentences of "[pron] break out in a " in BNC.

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1 He also gave me whole tins of peaches in syrup ; I ate so many that eventually I broke out in a painful rash .
2 Finally , one look at the South Africans ' itinerary for the next six months — tests against Romania , Italy , then New Zealand , Australia , France and England — is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat .
3 At one huge rave last summer , the DJ announced , ‘ Respect is due to the visuals ’ , and everyone broke out in a massive round of applause .
4 The loading had made him break out in a terrible sweat and perspiration ran down his forehead into his eyes .
5 Next day he broke out in a savage rash , but the move began to Alderney and the last , comfortable , well-solaced years .
6 His palms were sweating , his forehead was wet and itching , he felt shivery , his voice was shaky and his heart was beating fast ; they were cooking , him with the Microwave Gun , bathing him in its evil radiations , heating him up so that he broke out in a lathering sweat and looked like a nervous kid .
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